hard day...

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During Inguk's funeral.

It was raining heavily. It looks like the Sky also cried for Ingguk's death. Meanwhile, Ilhoon was in a taxi going to cemetery. Sitting at the back seat alone in the taxi while looking out through the window. There was nothing to see as it was raining downpour but he keeps looking. In his mind there's only one thing. How could he handle this situation.

Ilhoon unbutton his tuxedo as it will feel uncomfortable sitting on the taxi like that. He fixed his tie and his hair once and tilted his head at the window. Ilhoon remains silent.

The taxi driver who saw Ilhoon's reaction broke the silence.

" whose funeral is this?"

"err...my friend" he replied. "my best friend..." he muttered

The taxi driver was about to ask him one more question but once he looks at Ilhoon he did not carry on as he could understand his situation.

Though it was really tough to attend a best friend at his young age he decided to go without hesitation.

After fifteen minutes in silence he reached the cemetery. The taxi stopped before the entrance so that Ilhoon could walk in. Before get off the taxi Ilhoon took a deep breath. Gathering all his courage to keep going on without tears which is really impossible for him.

While carrying a black umbrella alone in the rain heading to the cemetery his eyes fixed on the crowd. Yes it was Ingguk's family and their classmates. Ilhoon took a deep breath. He put out his right foot and begin the step to his friend. His first step feels too heavy and it feels like he could not move at all. He took the second step it seems to be lighter that the first one. He keeps moving forward until he could see clearly Ingguk's coffin being put into the narrow and dark underground. Ilhoon thought that he must be lonely and scared being alone in the dark. Unknowingly clear drops of tear change into the river that doesn't meet its end. He bit his lower lips trying to endure his feeling.

The ritual has been done. The crowd just then became a few person which is Ingguk's family. Meanwhile Ilhoon is still there looking at his best friend's grave from the start. When Ingguk's family also already went home he just stood up there while crying.

He cried as hard as he could till his eyes swollen. His heart is screaming but nobody could hear. Now, he doesn't have anybody.

Next day

It was Sunday. So he doesn't have to go to school. He just laying on the bed doing nothing looking at the ceiling. He let out a huge sighed and immediately get off the bed to go to the kitchen to grab some water. He opened the fridge and took the mineral water. He gulped down the water furiously as he was too thirsty. It was time for him to fill up his stomach after the overnight emotional ride. It was hard for him. He opened up the cabinet above him and took a packet of spicy ramyeon. He took out the pot and rinse it with water before pouring water inside to be boiled. Ilhoon lazily opened up the ramyeon packet and put the noodle into the boiling water in the put. He tear the seasoning sachet one by one and put into the pot. Add some kimchi and it's perfect.

At least he could smile as he able to eat. But the smile doesn't last long. His smile slowly faded away as he remembered all the times that he had spent with Ingguk. Eating ramyeon together while watching tv. However he finished his ramyeon without a single bit left. He must be too hungry.

However it is he has to go to school tomorrow and of course it will never be the same. There will be no one who is going to sit beside him that will kick his chair when he about to daze off during classes. He'll miss those moments.


"What happened?" "Why is the police here?" "Look there's a police car down there!" started from the student that sit beside the window and the others were gathering at the window curious about what was happening. Meanwhile Ilhoon doesn't have any interest about what just happened took a glance at the student. He just let out a light sigh and put on his head on his left hand on the table facing the wall beside him. They saw three policemen walk to up stair but they still doesn't know where they're headed.

Suddenly without knocking the door, the three policemen barged into the class and banged the teacher's desk with his clipboard. Maybe it contains some documents clipped on the board.

They're a younger policemen around his thirty who was standing at the centre. Maybe he is a detective something like that. He gives to all of the students a death stare as he want to eat them alive. Ilhoon was just about to sleep startled and almost kick his own desk cursed, "this f***er!"

"is there a student named Jung Ilhoon here?" he asked with a death angle like voice that scared everyone in the class. Ilhoon was shocked as he heard his name being called out of the blue. He raised his hand.

"you? Follow us!" the police officer continued. Ilhoon let a deep sighed. He's actually doesn't have any interest in everything right now. But he just followed them and exited the front door. Suddenly something cross in his mind. Maybe they want to ask about Ingguk as I was the last person that being by his side. I guess it is too help to find the killer faster.

Unfortunately he was an angel with a clean thought. He was called because he is the "killer"!


It was dark there. They're only a lamp right above him just about to hit his head. He guessed the police station had enough budget to pay for electric bill but for this maybe they just want to create a dramatic interrogation. What a bullshit!

A big hand landed on Ilhoon's face. He could feel that he's bleeding as he choked his own blood. The police officer wandering around while putting his hands on his waist showing unsatisfied face to react on Ilhoon's answer.

"You did this right? Huh? Don't lie to me!" he keeps insisting that Ilhoon killed Ingguk. Well none of the major will trust a minor like him. I mean almost none.

" no, I didn't kill him... he's my best friend why should I..." Ilhoon couldn't finish his line. he cut his line."Stop saying bullshit! We found this knife with your finger print on it and you still want to deny it?" The police officer continued. He showed a piece of paper where there is a picture of a knife that used to kill Ingguk. The police officer stamped the paper onto Ilhoon's head and smirked. Ilhoon pride was hurt. He shook his head hard to remove the paper off his face.

Suddenly Ilhoon's mind floating around once again...

Ilhoon was holding Ingguk's wound. The knife still there. There are blood all over his white uniform. Ingguk just smile while looking at him and grabbed his hands telling him not to touch the knife.

"don't touch it you will be accused for killing me!"

"What are you talking about! Shut up and don't talk too much!"

Ilhoon took his cell phone and called the ambulance. He dialled quickly as he could with trembling hands.

Ingguk know the society hard to believe a minor like them. From generation to generation is all the same as it had be the norm of the society.

Ilhoon's imagination stopped when a sudden punch on his face by the police. He was bleeding all over his face. He felt like his jaw is misplacing after received a clear punch from the police officer.

The police officer couldn't take it anymore and come with crime confession as a solution. He pushed Ilhoon to admit his crime as he took a piece of confession form and a pen. The police officer banged the table and put his face closer with ilhoon's. " let's say that you killed him okay?"

Ilhoon was really angry as he spitted out his saliva and blood onto the paper. The police officer was about to hit him again and suddenly he received a call.

" what? Haish...waste of my energy!"

Ilhoon stared at his face to read his reaction. A sudden death gaze made Ilhoon lowered his head immediately and only look at the paper.

"Go!" the police officer said. Ilhoon took time to digest his words. He just looked into his eyes waiting for next words.

"I said go home! They had found an eye witness. You just a high schooler! Just go!"

Ilhoon was about to get up but almost passed out as he feels dizzy after being hit. However he managed to prevent himself from collapse on the floor. He walked slowly and exited the door. It was actually a hard day for him

p/s: If you notice I've changed my writing style~ well I'm planning to write the flash back until the next chapter. So leave a comment how was it!

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