New Hope

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As usual Ilhoon is going to the pizza restaurant after school. He is walking to the front gate but suddenly Sungjae approaches him from the back while shouting and waving his right hand in the air happily.

Ugh...he looks like a happy puppy. Look at him. What a drag.

"Ilhoon let's go!" Sungjae gives a wide smile.

"Huh? I'm going to my part time job ya'know? Stop bothering me and go back home already!" Ilhoon groaned. He just ignore Sungjae and walking away then-

"What are you talking about? We work at the same place!" Sungjae replied. Smiles doesn't leave his face. Somehow it made Ilhoon's heart jumps with joy.

Shit! I forgot

"Gu- guess it- c-can't be helped then." Ilhoon begins to lost his composure and stutters. His cheeks are as red as tomatoes. Sungjae saw that let out a small chuckle.


There he go again with his puppy-like eyes and wide smile. Does he only knows smile? Does he even have emotions?

They walked together to the pizza restaurant. The sky is already turning orange and it warms Ilhoon heart. Ilhoon look up the sky while smiling and Sungjae noticed that. Sungjae just admiring his pure face and smile bring back his attention to the orange skies.

Meanwhile a man in black suit with glasses was tailing them from behind. It looks like he is communicating with someone using earpiece. Sungjae and Ilhoon did not notice that and headed to the restaurant quietly without any conversation as they are enjoying the view.

They already arrived at the front door and the owner greets them happily. They put on their stuffs at the back and changed the uniform.

When working Sungjae is giving his attention a lot to Ilhoon and sometimes they have small fights. The owner is actually entertained by only looking the two of them.

"You two sure get along well", the owner giggled.



They said it at the same time but they are not in sync. Ilhoon keep denying things and Sungjae just happily grinning over everything.

It was a hectic night as tomorrow is Saturday and it is public holiday, so they received so many customers that night. They finished working at 12:00 am slightly late than usual.

Ilhoon let a deep sigh and go to the back to change his cloth, and Sungjae do the same.

Ilhoon is reaching the door and about to go out but Sungjae grabs his arm.

"Ilhoon! Erm... I already bought extra tickets so...let's go to aquarium and theme park tomorrow!"

"What? I'm not a high school girl!" , he lifts his right eyebrows slightly.

"But, I always wanted to go with-- someone important" Sungjae mutters the last part of the sentence.

"What? No!"

Ilhoon just leaves Sungjae and make his way out. Sungjae is really disappointed and devastated. Ilhoon could see Sungjae's fac was about to cry. However, he continues walking until he reached home.

As Sungjae go out of the restaurant he notice someone in a black suit outside of the restaurant near the entrance door.

"So, it was you after all? How long have you been tailing us?" he asked the man.

"Since young master went back from school"

Sungjae let out a deep sigh and he already knows who is behind this.

"Then, young master. I came to pick you up."


Upon reaching home, Ilhoon start to remember Sungjae's reaction when he refused. He looks so sad.

He then takes out his cellphone from his pocket and look for Sungjae's number. Luckily they are in the same class so he do not need to ask Sungjae for his number in person

To : Sungjae

I think I can go tomorrow. Just tell me when and where we are going to meet.

Meanwhile Sungjae is still in the car. He receives a notification. When he notice Ilhoon's message popped up at the notification, he was so happy.

He read the message and give him the details.

The man who is actually their house bodyguard look at Sungjae through the reflection of the mirror and asked, "Is there anything happened? You look so happy."

In a split second, Sungjae's expression changed.

"Nothing. It doesn't worth anyone concern.", he blurted.

"Young master."

"Yes what?"

"Mrs Yook asked you to not befriend of that guy Ilhoon."

"Tch", Sungjae clicked his tongue.

The bodyguard knows that Sungjae is not going to give proper answer neither words, so he just let him be. It was quiet journey to home.

Next morning.

Sungjae end up arrived there early he is really excited. He is waiting for Ilhoon at the aquarium place entrance. He is so nervous and arrived there earlier than the promised time.


Sungjae saw Ilhoon from afar and wave at him happily like a puppy. Ilhoon keeps his expressionless face walking towards where Sungjae is standing.

"Am I late?", Ilhoon asked scratching back of his head although that it is not itchy.

"No! I just arrived here too. Just a few minutes ago.", obviously Sungjae is lying but he's trying his best to make Ilhoon feel comfortable with his presence.

Both of them is entering the aquarium peacefully without knowing that they are being watched. A man with black suit is taking their pictures. He is hiding near the bushes hiding himself from being noticed especially Sungjae.

Ilhoon is mesmerized by the fishes swimming in the tank. He is showing expressions that nobody had seen before. Sungjae secretly checking on him and chuckles.

Ilhoon begins to speak and break the silence.

"Thank you"



Then, Ilhoon continue speaking. He tells everything about him. Why he became delinquent? He told him everything. Somehow he feels safe with Sungjae. He lets out all of things that he had been keeping all alone all this time.

Surely Sungjae is taken aback with Ilhoon actions. He couldn't say anything but he just look at Ilhoon's face but seuddenly he hugs Ilhoon. He hugs him tightly almost not willing to let him go.

"I'm sorry for not meeting you earlier. I'm sorry for leaving you going through hell" Sungjae whispers onto Ilhoon right ear softly and his voice sounds like he is going to cry.

"No it's not-"

"Shh it's okay."

Ilhoon stopped crying and Sungjae let him go. While holding both of his

arms Sungjae said, "'s almost like a date." he said while smiling widely leaving Ilhoon blushes hard. His cheeks are as red as tomato as well as his ears.

"I'm going to college after all. I'm going to stop being a delinquent!", Ilhoon smiles.

"I want to live my life properly from now on.", he continues.

A/N : I am soooooooooo sorry to leave you guys hanging for a longgggg time! I'm back! Ilhoon begins to open up to Sungjae yeay! But, the next chapter will be the last. I'm also now working on it. See ya! Upvotes and comments would be much appreciated. Thank you for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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