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The ambulances speed off away from leaving me utterly confused and alone. My head was spinning, but I had to know what was going on. So I hopped into my beat up old car and sped off towards the hospital the ambulances were heading.

I bursted into the hospital and looked around frantically for a sign that one of them had lived. I ran to the receptionist, and asked if any had come in because of a car accident "Sorry I can't disclose this information " she said in a nasally voice similar to mine. "Please my brother or boyfriend could be dying right now I need to see them!" At that moment I had addressed Frank as my boyfriend which took me by surprise. "Well I didn't know Mr. Iero had a brother" " he doesn't I'm his boyfriend!" "I'm sorry it's only family right now ". I blinked back tears because I now realized that Mikey had died. I had to call mom. The phone rang two times before she picked up; " well hello Gerard I haven't spoken to you in quite some time!" " mom were IS Mikey?!?!" " He's sleeping in the basement calm down Gerard!" " I-is his car in the driveway?" "Yes Gerard what is going on?!?" "It's a long story I'll tell you later"

So Mikey wasn't the person driving that car which means I didn't loose them. Mikey is alive and so is Frank. Everything will be okay. Because I have the two men I need the most in my life right now.

AHAHAHAHA it's fun messing with you guys -I

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