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He grinned at me when I turned beet red. A thing I didn't know I could do anymore. "Hey beautiful". My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when he said that. "Um uh hi?" Wow good job Gerard. " What's your name?" "It's uh Gerald, FUCK I mean Gerard." "So is it Gerald or Gerard?" "It's Gerard." I sighed I totally fucked this up. "Well Gerard my name is Frank. Frank Iero, and I'm taking you out to lunch right now. Because you look fucking dead." "Okay" I giggled like a Schoolgirl.

We walked to a small diner in a silence that was almost comforting. When we were seated he looked me in the eyes " You haven't slept in a while have you?" I looked down at my fidgeting hands and nodded. " I'm sorry" that surprised me. Why would this man I only met fifteen minutes ago say sorry to me? He didn't even know me. "It's not your fault" I whispered, making sure I didn't make eye contact with him. Frank rested his hand on mine and moved his thumb in small circles until my hands loosened from me clenching them together. I soon became aware that I was crying. Frank scooted out of his booth and sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around my fragile body. "It's okay Gerard" I leant into his chest, and sobbed. The waitress came around and looked a little concerned. "Two coffees please" Frank turned back to me and tilted my head up.

He wiped the tears from my face and kissed my forehead before saying:

"I'm never leaving you"

Oooooooo drama *jazz hands shits about to go down so stay tuned!!! Sorry about the short chapters

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