+ Chapter 12 +

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A/N: I will try and write another one for Sunday replacement, I'm trying to make over 40 chapters so there might be useless chapters, cause I feel like the books get shorter and shorter. I think they started getting short from the Aaron X Reader, since it was a short story, but all I have to say now is... Enjoy!
P.s= I would put a photo but it kept doing the same photo... so sorry guys no photo for this chapter

+ Notes +
Y/N - Your Name
F/F - Favourite Food
E/C - Eye colour

Your POV
I woke up with a whole lot of pain in my stomach I could probably literally stab my stomach for hurting so much, I groaned to myself as I remember TIME OF THE MONTH! The most painful seven days of your life. I clutched my myself and curled into a ball, I lifted the blanket more on me, not bothered to deal with the world.

I heard a knock on the door and saw Zenix creaking open the door, I rolled my eyes and rolled over facing away from him. I felt him lift the covers and covered himself in hugging me bringing his heat onto my body, I felt myself relaxed and calm.

You- my stomach hurts

Zenix- and why is that?

You- a girly thing

Zenix- oh, I see

I felt his hand go around me and went under my shirt, I was about to push him but he started messaging the one spot I needed to stop the pain, his warm hands sprawled all over my stomach. Zenix started snuggling himself in my hair, I started getting more sleepy until there was a sharp pain going through my stomach, I accidentally pushed him.

You- I'm sorry, it's just my stomach hurts really badly

Zenix- it's fine I'll get you the lady stuff

As he left the room, I rolled over the bed to get over the pain, I rolled on the floor and end up hitting my body on the wall, with still the pain in my stomach. I heard a chuckle and getting picked up and being placed back on the bed, he placed a kiss on my forehead and passed a napkin. I grabbed it angrily and went to the bathroom.

As I came out I was in a new set of clothes, and still felt the pain inside my stomach just punching me. I fell back on the bed and just laid myself in a weird position. I was handed a plate of chocolate and also a piece of toast, I sat up and started eating up my toast and savoured the taste of chocolate.

As I was done, Zenix brought me down on the bed after five minutes, my stomach was facing the bed and felt his fingers go through my hair, and caressing my face, I felt his delicate fingers going through my hair and touching my scalp and brushing through the knots softly.

He started messaging my back which made me really sleepy, this felt like a holiday to me, as his fingers went through my hair my eyes started to fall and fell asleep.

+ A Few Hours Later +

As I woke up I saw Zenix sitting on the floor but his head resting on his arms on the side of me. As I kneeled on my arm and lifted his hair off his eyes , and felt his silky hair fall from my fingers. I started to swiftly push his hair to the side giving me a view of his face. I heard Zenix starting to laugh and started to smile, and lifted his head up to see my eyes.

Zenix- I would love to wake up to that everyday

You- hey I thought you were dead that's all! Geez

Zenix- is your stomach ache gone?

You- I think so, now what do you want?!

Zenix- calm down pretty lady, you want something

You- I'm in the mood for-

Zenix- F/F? I knew you were gonna say that

You- and do it quickly! Come on you big slug!

Zenix- who knew girls with be that mean, it hurts, but it's Y/N I can never get mad at her

You- + mumbles + yeah sure

As he left the room. I felt feeling upset, I just remembered why I'm here, how I got here and now I want to go back to them. Tears just randomly flew out of my eyes, I started to sob loudly. I heard running and a trip, as the door crashed opened a worried Zenix came though the door.

Zenix- what's wrong Y/N?! Princess is everything alright?!

You- I miss everyone! I want to go home! Can you bring me home Zenix, please, please, please! I want to go home! I want my dad! I miss him dearly and everyone else!

Zenix- Y/N...

He sat next to me and wrapped an arm around me, and felt my chin being lifted up so I get a full view of his face. His dark brown eyes stared deep into my E/C ones.

Zenix- I love you to much to let you go, I don't want to see you away from me, your to pretty and beautiful to stay away from, I can't imagine my life without you, I need you in my life to keep my sane, I want you to stay in my life forever and stay with me forever

My crying started to stop and became really tired again, I felt him rock me back and forth. I loving the feeling of being cared as a baby made me feel noticed and maybe sort of special. I felt really weak to fight against him today, I kinda like it this. Well after this seven days I'm going to be back to my normal self.

Zenix- I feel lie, you feel lonely, so I might as well buy you a friend

You- can I get a bunny? + if you don't want this animal it's fine, I just want something different then a cat or dog.... trust me I do really bad things to these two animals XD +

Zenix- of course you can, you always wanted a pet when you were younger

You- a little creepy, but thanks Zenix, that's really nice of you

Zenix- anything to make my little Y/N happy

He laid me on the bed and kissed my forehead and left the room and I started to fall asleep, looking forward to the next day ahead.

I'm getting worried now...

What do you think she's worried about? Well I'm not so sure. See you in the next chapter!
Author~chan out

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