Part One

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"I am begging you, di. Please give him to me." Madhu cries as she fell at her sister's feet. "Don't do this, Madhu." Dipali begs. "I love him. I have always loved him. Ever since we started playing house-house with him, I wanted to make my home with him. Please di. I will die without him." Dipali looks at her with tears in her eyes. Tomorrow was her wedding. She was going to marry her father's friend's son. It was an arranged marriage. It started as an arranged marriage but now she loved him, and he loved her. They all grew up together - Sultan, RK, Madhu and her. Sultan & RK were Mohan uncle's sons. Their father's business partner and best friend. "What is happening here?" Malik & Padmini asks as they walked in hearing Madhu crying. "Papa, please ask her to give him to me. I love him. I tried to forget him for all your happiness but I can't. I will die without him." Madhu begs him. "WHO?" Malik asks confused and worried. "Sultan!" Madhu replies. "HAVE YOU GONE CRAZY? Sultan and Dipali are getting married tomorrow." Malik shouts at her. "Don't say another word!" Padmini says. "I love him." Madhu says in tears. "But he loves Dipali!" Padmini reminds her. "I will love him more than Dipali can ever love him." Madhu tells them. "Enough! This is no child's play. You should have told this earlier before everything was fixed." Malik scolds her. "Dipali, you come out. Don't talk to her." Padmini says as she took Dipali away from the room. "Mama please..." Madhu cries. "Don't be selfish, Madhu. She is your sister and tomorrow is her wedding." Malik reminds her. He leaves the room, closing the door behind him and Madhu falls on the floor crying. 

"Wake up, Madhu!!!" Padmini says as she angrily shook her awake. Madhu sits up groggily as she tried to clear her mind. Yesterday she had cried herself to sleep. "Why did you do this, Madhu?" Padmini asks in tears. "Do what, Mama?" Madhu asks crying herself seeing her mother cry. "Dipali left because she couldn't snatch your happiness. She told you to marry Sultan." Padmini says as she handed the letter to her. Madhu didn't know whether she should be happy or sad. Happy that she was going to marry Sultan now or sad that her sister left home because of her. "Malik has gone to look for her, if we can't find her, I will never forgive you." Padmini warns her as she walked away. 

Hours later, Malik had come home alone. There was no trace of Dipali and before they could decide on their next action, guests started coming to attend the wedding. Malik had angrily told Madhu to get dressed as the bride. 

Madhu was sitting next to the love of her life with her ghunghat all the way down effectively covering her face. She sat with bated breath as she followed the rituals that were binding them in holy matrimony. The moment he lifted her ghunghat to put sindoor on her mang she had looked down and all he could see was her mang and hair. She signed in relief when he filled her mang and put her ghunghat down. Madhu nervously looked at Sultan to judge whether he was aware of the change in bride. She couldn't see his face because of the sehra but he seemed to do everything the pundit said without any questions. Finally the pundit announced that the wedding was complete. Sultan stood up and helped her up. The photographer asked them to put up their sehra and ghunghat so he could take their wedding photo. Madhu knew she had no choice, she had to reveal herself else people will talk and force her to do it. Taking a deep breath she lifted her ghunghat and heard every single one of them gasp seeing her instead of Dipali. She turned to look at her husband and he was staring at her in shock. Then recovering he asks in panic as he shook her vigorously, "Where is Dipali, Madhu?" she stood in shock as she stared at her husband of mere minutes. "Where is my Dipali?" he asks her frantically. She could hear everyone whispering. Their parents talking among themselves. "MADHU!" her husband calls her again. Finally she found her voice and answers his question with a question of her own, "Where is Sultan, RK?"

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