Part Two

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Part 2

Madhu and RK stood there silently as they watched Malik angrily pacing while Mohan and both their mothers sat at the couch thoughtfully in Malik's study. "Always wanted you both to get married but never thought it would be in such a disgraceful way." Malik mutters as he paced the room. Madhu looks at her father in shock as she wondered how he could ever think that RK and she would ever marry. When she was small, she hated playing house-house with him, as he used to drink all her tea and make her do all the work. He used to take the word husband a little too seriously when they were kids! Unlike Sultan, who used to always help her when RK used to bully her. And her father thought she would play house-house with RK for real? (A tribute to aDarkAngel's & mannu_minnie's comments LMAO). It's not that she didn't like him or she had anything against him, they were friends but she didn't love him, she loved Sultan.

RK sighs, he had heard multiple times his parents talking about getting Madhu and him married after Sultan and Dipali get married, and now Malik Uncle also wanted the same thing. Unfortunately or fortunately, God decided to grant them their wish and he was saddled with Madhu. He didn't have anything against her, she was a sweet girl, but he didn't love her. He loved Dipali. She didn't have Dipali's maturity or elegance or style. Madhu was different; she was childlike, immature, brattish and funky.

"Malik, we have to decide what we need to do next." Mohan tells his best friend. "We can get the marriage annulled." Madhu says. RK closes his eyes in dread. Childlike and immature. How could she possibly think that their parents would agree to an annulment? Destiny has given them what they always wished for in a golden platter and she expects them to just throw it all away? "Because of you both Sultan and Dipali left home and you are saying you'll get an annulment?" Malik asks angrily. "We don't love each other, Papa. We never wanted to marry each other." Madhu argues. "Don't argue." Malik says. "This is our life; you can't tell us that we should stay married." Madhu says stubbornly. "MADHUBALA!" her father angrily shouts her name as he lifted his hand to hit her. Madhu flinches as she closed her eyes and waited for the slap. She could hear their mothers and RK's father standing up to stop her father. When the blow never came, she realized that one of the parents had managed to stop her father. She opens her eyes to see who it was and was shocked to see RK standing in between her father and her. She could only see his profile from behind. RK was not looking at her father; he was looking sideways with his head angled in a downward look with his gaze on the floor. "You shouldn't raise your hand on women. It is not cool." RK tells her father in a gentle tone as he continued to look at the floor. Madhu was shocked and amazed to see that RK had stood up for her. "How dare you talk to Malik like that?" Mohan angrily marches to him. Fearing Mohan uncle would hurt RK, Madhu quickly holds RK's hand and pulls him back, near her. "Please don't." Madhu says standing up for him because he stood up for her. Mohan and Malik looks at them in shock. RK looks at her in shock, "He was just trying to help me." Madhu tells Mohan apologetically. Mohan and Malik remained silent for a while as they studied them. RK and Madhu stood uncomfortably under their scrutiny. Finally, Mohan says, "Divorce and Annulments are not an option." "But we don't..." Madhu starts and RK cuts her off, "Keep quiet, Madhu." Madhu turns to RK in shock and starts frowning; again he was taking the word husband a little too seriously. "I don't want to be married to you." Madhu tells him stubbornly. "Neither do I but they are not going to budge and we have no other option." RK tells her. "So it is decided!" Malik says and all the parents quickly walk out. "No. it's not decided!" Madhu shouts at them in panic as they ignored her and left the study closing the door behind them leaving her all alone with RK.

"Why did you do that?" Madhu asks shocked. "How much ever you argue they will not let us get an annulment." RK explains to her already resigned to his fate. "We could have tried." Madhu says though she knew he was right. "We will only be wasting our breath." RK tells her. "What are we going to do?" Madhu asks him worried. "I have no idea." RK says as he sits on the couch holding his head. Madhu joins him and leans back with her eyes closed. They remained silent for a while then she asked him, "Where do you think they are?" "I have no idea." RK replies sadly. "So you loved di?" Madhu asks. "Yeah. And you loved bhai?" RK asks. "Yes." Neither of them realizing that they were talking in past tense. "Why didn't you ever tell her?"Madhu asks. "She is a year older to me!" RK reminds. "That didn't stop you from sitting in the mandap or begging Sultan to back out." Madhu states. "Shut up, Madhu!" RK says irritated. "You are taking the word husband a little too seriously!" Madhu says irritated. RK turns to her in shock realizing that he was indeed her husband then says "I am your bloody husband. Now shut up and sit there. I need some peace!"

Rishabala SS : Marriage Trilogy 2 : Marriage Most ScandalousWhere stories live. Discover now