Part Three

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His arms were killing him. He tries to move it and feels it anchored down. RK opens his eyes and looks at his arms. He sees someone sleeping on his arms. His out stretched arm was being used like a pillow. Even though that person was facing him he couldn't make out who it was. And he wondered who could possibly sleep next to him? He pulls his arm forcefully and sits up in confusion screaming "WHO ARE YOU?" "Aaa Aaa" hearing him scream, that someone who seemed to be a girl and sounded so bloody like Madhu starts screaming in fear. He turns and finds a new table lamp on the table and switches it on.  The moment the lights turned on and he saw the new surrounding he remembered everything. Madhu and he were in Chennai. "Who is it?" Madhu asks worried as she sat up and clung to him for protection. Seeing her pale as she looked for the intruder he feels embarrassed and bad. "Sorry Madhu. When I saw someone lying next to me, I forgot where we were and that we are married." RK tells her embarrassed. "Oh!" Madhu says relaxing. "You got scared?" RK asks seeing her still pale. Madhu nods her head. "Sorry, Madhu." RK says as he hugged her and rubbed her back to help her relax. Madhu hugs him and says, "I almost died in fear. My heart is beating like drums on a 1000 meters race." "What?" RK asks confused. "I meant it is beating so fast and loudly." "Aah." RK smiles tenderly seeing her childlike wide eyed look. He gently kisses her on her forehead, "You go to sleep." Madhu nods her head and turns on her side to sleep. She hears RK lying down and when he didn't hold her she gently reminds him, "Hold me, RK. I might fall." "I was sleeping on my side all this while and my hands have gone numb. I can't sleep on my side any more. You hold me and sleep." RK tells her. Madhu turns back to see RK lying on his back "Move this side, I will sleep on the other side." Madhu tells him though RK wondered why she wanted to change sides he did so without questioning her. He rolled to the left while Madhu jumped over him to the right side. Then he had his answer when Madhu lifted his right arm and lay down with her head resting on his shoulders and her arms lay over his stomach with his right arm now resting behind her. He stretches his right hand and turns of the bed lamp and keeps it on her waist anchoring her.

Madhu wakes up and finds herself alone. She looks around for RK and finds a note on the bedside table. She picks it up and finds a message for her. Going down to the supermarket. Keeping the note back on the table, Madhu gets up and starts to get ready for the day. By the time she came out of the shower RK was already back. RK turns to look at her and politely smiles seeing her only in her kurta. Madhu smiles at him as she sat on the bed and wore her jeans while RK went back to reading the newspaper. They didn't feel awkward, ever since they were small they have had pool parties at the Kundra's. RK had seen her in her swim suit while she was used to seeing him in his swimming trunks. "What did you buy?" Madhu asks as she walked to the kitchen area as he had pulled up the dinning chair to the kitchen counter with the newspaper on the counter. "Got milk, cornflakes, tea bags and sugar." RK tells her as he continued to read the paper. "Did you eat?" "No, I was waiting for you." RK tells her. Madhu takes out two bowl and spoons to eat the cornflakes. Assuming he bought tea bags as he wanted to have tea, she starts to make tea. "Madhu, I will have black tea." RK tells her. Madhu nods and proceeds to make black tea for both of them. Once black tea was ready, she pours it into two cups and comes back to the serving area. They silently have their breakfast. Madhu looks at the paper to see what he was reading and sees him reading the jobs section. "After you are done, give me the paper." Madhu tells him. "I am just looking at the vacancies you can take the other sheets." "No, I want to check out the vacancies only." Madhu tells him. RK looks up frowning at her, "Why?" "I am thinking of working." Madhu tells him. "What about your studies?" "Now we need the money, RK. Studies I can complete it later." Madhu tells him. "No, you will finish your studies first. And I have a pretty good bank balance. The only reason I am hesitating to spend the money is that I might start something of my own if I can work something out. So I am just holding the money for that so I won't have to take a huge loan." RK tells her. Madhu nods her head. "Let me worry about the money. You just worry about your studies and taking care of our house." RK tells her. "Okay." Madhu tells him smiling, happy that she could finish her studies. "We will have to get your TC from your college and enroll you in a college here." RK tells her as he went back to read the paper. Then he looks up and asks in a worried tone, "Madhu, do you want to study in your college itself? If you want you could stay at my house or college hostel." She remembers how he had thanked her previous night for coming with him she smiles and says "Since you are not allowed at either of these places, I will just stick around here." RK smiles and relaxes. "What plans for today, RK?" "I thought we could go shopping to buy all the necessary items we need around the house and if you want to buy something we could do that. And call me Rishu." RK tells her as he continued to scan the paper. "I thought only your immediate family was allowed to call you Rishu." Madhu says confused. RK looks up at her and says "That's right." Seeing the way he was looking at her realization dawns "Yeah right! I forgot." Madhu says. "You forgot that I am your husband? Very bad, Madhu."  RK says with a teasing smile. Madhu chuckles. "When you said husband it reminded me. I hated playing house-house with you." Madhu tells him laughing. "House-house?" RK looks at her confused and then remembering "Oh God! I used to hate that!" "WHY? That was the coolest game ever!" Madhu says shocked. "Hell no! What a stupid useless game was that? I remember how you used to pester us till we agreed to play house-house." RK says in dread. "That is a nice game. I would love to play it even now!" "Oh please! And what did you mean by you hated playing house-house with me? You forced me to play and now you are saying you hated it?" "You used to bully me, all the time! You used to drink my tea and make me do all the work!" "You used to force me to play! That was my revenge! Otherwise why do you think I insisted on being your husband all the time?" RK asks laughing. "Very bad, RK!" Madhu says laughing. RK raises his eye brows at her and then realizing she says smiling, "I mean Rishu, thee husband!" RK smiles at her. "I think it is punishment for all that bullying that God has made you play house-house with me for real!" Madhu tells him. "Punishment?" RK asks. Madhu nods. RK turns back to look at the bed. "Go make the bed, biwi!" RK orders her. Madhu frowns. "Go biwi! That is your job." Making faces at him she walks to the bed, "I was going to make the bed later, after breakfast." She tells him as she started making the bed. She was tucking in the sheets on her side of the bed when RK starts cleaning the bed from the other side. He grins at her, "Was just teasing you." "You don't have to do the household chores." Madhu tells him. "I will help you, Madhu." "Let me worry about the house and my studies while you worry about the money." Madhu tells him. RK laughs hearing her repeating what he had told her earlier.

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