Part Five

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This part deals with mature content.

She hated it! Sex was the worst thing ever! It pained so bloody but she had to admit that she loved making out and the foreplay but the final act was not pleasant. She nervously looks at her husband as he came out of the bathroom ready to go to bed. He smiles at her and she smiles back though her mind was already on the inevitable that was going to happen in a few minutes. She wished she could tell him that she didn't like it but then she didn't want to hurt him. She sighs sadly.

RK sighs as he looks away. His friends had told him the difficulty in bedding a virgin and that he being a virgin was not going to help it in anyway. He knew that Madhu didn't like it and it hurt her but then there was no way around it, till he manages to break the hymen it is going to hurt her and he has to be gentle with her and coax her into it. He knew Madhu, today if he tries to make love to her she will not stop him but tomorrow she will if he doesn't manage to break the hymen. He sighs he'll take one day at a time. Madhu was an innocent and she needed his understanding. RK gets on the bed and lies next to her. Madhu was sleeping on her side with her back to him. He gently turns her making her lie on her back and she looks at him nervously. He smiles at her and she nervously smiles back. He leans down and kisses her and it didn't take him more than a minute to have her reciprocate in equal passion, her fears suddenly forgot.

Next night, they were about to get ready for bed when Madhu hesitantly comes to RK. "Rishu, can we talk?" She asks him nervously.He was surprised she lasted this long, he had expected to have this talk in the morning. As much as he wanted to tell her that they will talk the next day he couldn't, she looked worried.Sighing he sits down and pulls her on his lap. Anyway he had figured out how to go about it, Madhu tend to forget everything when he touched her and he realized that seducing her was the only (fun) way around this."Tell me." RK tells her. "Rishu... " "Hmmm?" "That is..." "What is?" he asks her calmly. "I don't like it." Madhu whispers as if she is in a church admitting to her sin. "Hmmm." "It hurts." Madhu says looking at her hand. "It will hurt the first few times, Madhu. There is no other way." RK gently tells her. "I know but then it hurts." RK asks, "Is it so bad?" "I like making out and foreplay but that I don't like." RK sighs, "So what do you want us to?" "We can make out and all, but when we decide to have a baby that time we will do it." Madhu tells him looking at him all hopefully and RK quickly hugs her to hide his exasperation, shock and laughter from her. "Okay." He lies.

Madhu and RK gets on the bed, now that she knew they were not going to do it, she was relaxed. "You said we could make out right?" RK asks her turning to her. "Yes." Madhu says looking at him excitedly. He chuckles as he pulled her towards him and they start passionately make out. A while later, RK was on the verge of begging her as he just couldn't hold back anymore when suddenly she says in urgency, "I can't take it anymore." "Do you want me to stop?" RK asks her leaning up trying to act calm. "NO!" "Then?" "I want you." Madhu tells him as she tried to pull him down on her. "But you said..." "Forget what I said... I can't control this." "Even I can't." RK tells her and leaning down to become one with her.

Next night, they were in bed. "Rishu, I said that we can make out but I can't seem to control myself when you touch me. So we'll make out only when we want to do it... okie?" Madhu asks him worriedly. RK mentally sighs, "Okay." "You are such a great guy, Rishu." Madhu tells him as she hugs him happily.  RK hugs her back wondering what to do. "Madhu, you said we can't make out but can we kiss?" RK asks her in the dark. Madhu thinks for a while, he did everything that she asked him to and if he wanted to kiss what is wrong in it? And she loved it when he kissed her."Yes." Madhu tells him smiling. "I love it when you kiss me." RK groans and starts kissing her putting his heart, soul and body into it, rubbing against her provocatively and touching her. This was his only chance tonight. They were kissing when Madhu pushes him away angrily, "Dammit, Rishu!" "What?" RK asks breathlessly. Without a word she starts pulling on his tshirt to remove it. Luckily for RK that night he was able to break her hymen completely. "I liked it!" Madhu declares laughing happily. "Really happy to hear that." RK says breathlessly sounding happy and relieved. "Let's do it again." Madhu whispers to him excitedly as she snuggled up to him. RK looks at her and asks out loud in shock "Good God! What have I created?"

Rishabala SS : Marriage Trilogy 2 : Marriage Most ScandalousWhere stories live. Discover now