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(Just a long ass backstory. You can just skip this chapter if you don't like overly detailed writing)

It's 6:30 am. The sun had barely risen and the city had the subdued quiet of dawn. The sky was no longer an abyss of black. It gradually turned into dim gray, followed by bright streaks of red, pink and orange, slowly overcoming the darkness of the night. Greg had already woken up, observing the astonishing view from the inside of his all-glass windows. His bed as empty as it's always been, at least for the past 2 weeks since he and his spouse started having... problems.

Lainey was never really the kind of person who wanted separate rooms with her husband, but Greg had driven her to that action. Ever since they officially broke up with Billie, the third wheel of their relationship, they made a vast realization that could destroy the precious thing that they had.

Lainey and Greg have different wants, they are not as compatible as they thought they were when their once flaming relationship was at its peak. They never even had similar interests to begin with. Lainey listened to mainstream and pop electronic songs, while Greg was more into metal and alternative rock music. He was obsessed with playing video games, while she though it was a waste of time. But the thing that separated them the most was the fact that Lainey was not a vegetarian. She loved eating meat and would never change that, not even for Greg who was such a big advocate for vegetarianism and deliberately said online how much he disapproved of eating meat.

All these were being subconsciously put in the back of  Greg's thoughts, creating every time an even wider gap between his wife and him. Until one day he had an outburst. It didn't take much to begin such a great fight really. The exchange of a few words was enough to add fuel to the already emerging fire, resulting in them eating breakfast separately, doing work separately, hanging out separately, even sleeping separately. From an outsider's viewpoint, hell, even from their own viewpoints their marriage was falling apart and they didn't know how to save it, or more correctly, if they wanted to save it.


Hundreds of miles away in Washington Seattle a 21, soon to be 22, year old guy was also awake during the sunrise. However, this remarkable event was due to him staying up throughout the whole night playing video games and working on his new video. Lately this has become a routine for Calvin. He is occupied at night and sleeps from the sunrise till noon, if his girlfriend doesn't have other plans for them.

Jordan is a very physically and socially active person, she always tries to find creative activities for the day, that usually involve running 5 miles, taking up extreme sports, like sky diving, getting involved in protests and marches, attending conventions, throwing big parties, modeling, name it she'll do it.

Calvin on the other hand is more introverted, he avoids the outside world as much as possible. Although these days that his girlfriend is trying to get him involved with those activities too, he hasn't had much luck spending time indoors. He'd much rather play video games, slack and watch movies or just lay down on their bed and embrace Jordan, caressing her hair (which seems to be the only activity without intense muscle movement she enjoys, besides sleeping of course). He doesn't particularly enjoy those activities Jordan is always planning for them, to be precise he almost despises them. However, he is forced to be dragged all over the city since his girlfriend is very compelling, commanding and determined to change him (without his consent).

No one asked Calvin if he wanted to change. He was pretty happy before he met Jordan. Yes, he only left the house to buy groceries, or the occasional walk in the city, but he had lots of friends that talked to daily to keep him company and besides he had his YouTube channel, LeafyIsHere to take care of.

Now, after the exhausting days he was constantly going through, the only hours of the day he had for himself, in order to work on his videos, relax and "detox" his organism form his girlfriend, was when she was asleep during the night. Taking this opportunity, he would set an alarm exactly an hour after they laid in bed, so as to be 100% sure she'd fallen asleep before he drifted off of bed and quietly left the bedroom. Only to find himself sitting in his cozy chair right in front of his monitors. With that simple movement he would finally feel free and alone. Not that he was antisocial but, like every human being, Calvin needed some personal space, a thing missing from this relationship.

Collecting all his thoughts, he finally realized it's sunrise. Although it was different than any sunrise he had seen. This morning's sunrise was a breathtaking display of radiant colors. He felt like he was watching the crack of dawn for the first time and a thrilling feeling of awe swept over him. That moment he realized something very important. That this relationship was toxic for him and if he cared about his health there was only one thing left to do.
Break up.

Hey there hope you liked this chapter!! This is my first actual story on wattpad so it may suck but oh well... This is sorta a backstory so I tried to make things clear and it ended up surprisingly bigger than expected. I don't really have much planned out for this story other than the fact there's gonna be Leafnision eventually so if you have any ideas you'd like me to use in the next chapters I'm open to suggestions :)

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