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Leafy found himself swaying as he struggled to keep himself upright. The room was starting to spin and the blinding lights constantly changing colors and directions only made for a more psychedelic experience. It reminded him of the time he did shrooms in Amsterdam. Sweaty palms, potent headache, irregular breathing. At first he didn't wanna believe it but considering the extreme changes on his body he finally accepted the fact that he was drugged. After all Calvin wasn't a stranger to drugs. He knew the sensation all too well. He needed to find Greg, he couldn't wait till he return from the restroom.

Hardly had he left his seat when  suddenly he felt four hands reaching his sides. Two men, not much older than him supposedly had noticed he wasn't well and were offering to help him get some fresh air. Even at his current state, Calvin could sense the suspicious and unfriendly nature of the two guys and tried to break free of their grips, but it was no use. His attempts to be left alone were in vain. He called for help, though no one even flinched. The loud music was concealing any sound. Had he been in a better physical condition maybe he could have escaped what was coming. However, his tender body, already weakened by the constant use of adderall and other drug related substances, was in no way capable of resisting their strong grips.

Without wasting any more time the two men mumbled something Calvin couldn't make out due to the loud deafening music and forcefully grabbed his underarms dragging him inside the staff closet. A few feet away there was a door that led to the back of the building, and they waited outside for a few minutes.

Calvin struggled against getting dragged around and tried to escape with all his might. However that only led to the taller of the two men to knock him down in order to stop Leafy's protesting.

"Sit your faggot ass down before I fuck you up till you get your shit pushed in boy."

"Woah woah motherfucker that sounds like the type of shit you'd say before throwing someone into a fucking rustic white van. Cut me some slack dude my ass's already been fucked relentlessly by youtube's bullshit, at least let me recover from the first booty rape, Jesus fucking Christ." Calvin said as he was trying to get up from the ground. Sarcasm was the only thing keeping him sane. He wore the LeafyIsHere facade to hide his breaking point. In reality he was scared shitless that all the edgy jokes he made were about to become a reality.

"Can you believe this lil motherfucker? You're quite the sarcastic type huh?That'll shut you the fuck up." One of them said and suddenly started kneeing Calvin repeatedly in the abdomen. He immediately collapsed like a house of cards. As he fell to the dirty pavement he thought of Greg. He was calling his name over and over in his mind. Despite knowing it was impossible, he still had a very dim light of hope Greg would come to his rescue...

"You aren't so tough now, aren't ya?"

"How pretty are you bitch bo-" the shorter guy's sentence was cut off by a loud thud echoing from a trash container nearby.

"Hey yo, yo did you hear that? There's  someone here!" One said to the other after being startled by the loud noise.

"What the hell are you talking about, there's nobody there, it's probably just some stray cat or whatever. Get your shit together the van's gonna be here any minute." The other one replied.

"Dude I fucking swear I saw a shadow or some shit. We gotta get outta here. Whoever it was they might get suspicious..."Their argument was cut off by the sound of a vehicle approaching.

"Forget it let's just drag his ass to the van."
"Sit up pussy boy." The two men suddenly forced Leafy to sit up and headed for the black van.

"Where...are you taking me?" Was the only sentence Leafy managed to mouth between indistinguishable slurs. At this point his feet were shaking, barely holding him upright and was feeling very lightheaded. Whatever he had experienced in his past trips didn't amount to his state right now. He didn't expect the drug to be that strong.

"Why you asking? You're gonna call your daddy to came and save ya? Nobody give a shit about yo sorry ass. You should be thanking us for giving you attention, chinless motherfucker." The taller man of the two said without trying to hide his evident smirk. This really hit home for him. It's like they knew his biggest insecurities. After all the drama from youtube and all his so called friends didn't think twice before backstabbing him and jumping on his hate bandwagon felt worthless, no one cared. At this exact moment he felt more alone and helpless than he ever had in his life...

They then proceeded to open the doors and pushed the youtuber inside. They quickly tied his arms behind his back so he couldn't escape. After that they hopped inside and the vehicle left. Leafy's eyes were dry, he couldn't feel anything, he was empty but for the pain in his abdomen. His eyelids were really heavy, he finally stopped struggling and became unconscious.


As promised another chapter of this story. I have 2-3 more prepared so I'll probably be posting another one next week.
Funny fact that no one asked for: today is my birthday :)
Anyway, hope you like this chapter, see you next update!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2018 ⏰

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