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Less than half an hour had passed after sunset but the darkness had already consumed every last bit of light in the sky. The only source of illumination, besides the city lights, was the beaming moon, slowly starting to rise. The moonlight splashed down its watery white-silver glow onto the city, bathing Calvin in its blueish highlights. He had just exited his apartment complex and was on his way to the party's location.

This was a stupid idea for many reasons, the most significant of those being his resentment of human interaction at this point of his life. Yes he was lonely, yes he missed Jordan, yes he was isolated in his relatively small apartment, but leaving his safe place for a highly crowded nightclub, filled with familiar faces he was one way or another doomed to interact with, was the last thing he needed right now.

Too careless to bother calling an uber, Leafy proceeded to walk 2 whole miles before reaching his destination. 'Fuck it I'm walking, I need some excercise anyway.' Leafy thought to himself, trying to justify why making a simple call and waiting 3 minutes for the vehicle to arrive was somehow worse than walking for 30 minutes in the cold Seattle weather.

While walking he realized two things. First of all, the city was dull. After living here for almost a year the excitement he felt when he'd just moved was replaced by emptiness and boredom of seeing the same shit everyday. After all Leafy could never settle in somewhere for too long. He was free spirited, he loved traveling and coming across new exciting destinations. Maybe it was his coping mechanism against his parents. Maybe traveling constantly was his way of escaping his rotten hometown. Though no matter how far away from them he went it was never far enough.

Secondly, and that dawned on him after he'd walked one and a half miles, he was exhausted. His organism was weakened by his lack of sleep and constant consumption of adderall, energy drinks and coffee. Plus he was running low on vitamins and other vital nutrients, therefore his energy levels and stamina had decreased significantly. But that wasn't gonna stop him from arriving at the club. He had already destroyed all his plans for a relaxing Thursday night so he might as well attend this goddamn party and have awkward conversations with former YouTube "friends" (or more accurately, dick riders) that backstabbed him.

After what felt like an eternity of walking the streets of Seattle, Calvin was greeted by a never ending queue of oddly dressed fashionistas with outfits combining all the instagram trends together in eccentric combinations. In comparison, he seemed extremely underdressed but frankly he didn't give a shit. He didn't come here to show off his clothing style, he came here because-
Actually he didn't really know why the fuck he agreed to attend such a stupid event at his state. But he already did, so he had to go right? Of course he could come up with an excuse to stay indoors but in his mind none seemed appropriate. In the end something inside him pushed him to come, probably his gut feeling. Too bad his conscience was wrong this time...


*phone rings*

"Hello... who is this?" Greg picked up the phone without checking the number. The ringing woke him up from his peaceful sleeping session, which justified his high key upset tone. Last night was one of the few occasions he had to pull an all-nighter to finish his videos for his multiple channels and was replacing his loss of sleep in the afternoon, well up until the caller interrupted him.

"It's me Lainey what the hell?" Lainey answered, surprised by her husband's (they aren't together anymore but they haven't divorced officially yet) abrupt reply. "Were you asleep?"

"Yeah whatever don't worry about it. So what's up, how... uhh how come you're calling at this hour?" Onision muttered still sleepy.

"Umm, first of all it's only like 7 o'clock in the evening and sorry I woke you up but since you're awake now get dressed we're going to a party!!" Lainey said with a cheerful tone. She had just returned to Seattle from New Mexico almost a week ago and was staying at a friend's house near the city center.

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