To any remaining leafy fan out there...

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Hello to anyone reading this!

I'm so grateful that you all read, faved, commented on this story, it means the world to me. When I started it I was so excited and full of inspiration. I wanted to make an interesting story about something I was really passionate about while also improving my English writing.
Throughout several months I kept going even though the fandom was slowly fading. However as time went by I was more and more discouraged from continuing it because of huge amounts of school work and since there weren't many people supporting Leafy anymore. Now that Leafy has completely disappeared from YouTube and the internet in general I don't see any reason updating. Each chapter consumed most of my day and I'm not in a state where I can waste that much time. I'm choosing to focus on my studies for now. If anyone is still interested in seeing where this story is going I'll continue writing chapters in the summer.

Thanks for all the support!!

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