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Leafy's POV

"Hey Calvin, hey, wake up faggot there's a new day ahead!" I was suddenly woken up by my girlfriend. I was too tired to leave my very comfortable position in bed that soon.

"Hmm, fuck give me five more minutes or some shit." I managed to mouth back while groaning in the pillow.

"Babe it's already 9 o'clock, c'mon, we gotta get ready for the field trip today remember? I've been wanting to tour around Washington since fucking forever!" She said, sounding pretty excited, unlike me.

"Ah shit... it was today... uhh, can we do this like another day, I don't feel so well. I'm probably getting sick." I replied while fake-coughing and shift myself in a sitting position. This was another half assed attempt to avoid leaving the house today, let alone going on a stupid fucking field trip.

"Dude you fucking promised we'd go today. Like you've been postponing this since before Easter. I'm getting really tired of your excuses to stay indoors." She started with a pretty pissed tone. Frankly, I don't blame her, I wasn't really clear that I didn't want to go, but considering all my excuses she should have got the idea by now.

"Look, Jordan I..." I paused trying to find the right words as to not hurt her, but being blunt was pretty easier at this point. " I don't wanna go, like I really don't give a shit about your stupid unnecessary activities all the fucking time. Can't we just relax at home or something?"

"I've been planning this goddamn trip since forever, you know how much I wanna go. And EXCUSE me for trying to keep us active here. You know if it weren't for me you would've grow fucking roots to your chair. You'd be at home, on your computer, taking adderall and smoking blunts all day." Jordan replied, almost hissing at me. I was getting pretty mad at this point. I'd gotten only 2 hours of sleep, I felt very dizzy, my feet were sore from Jordan's 'brilliant' idea to go hiking yesterday and my temper was getting worse by the second.

" Wowowow slow down, first of all I literally only take adderall on very rare occasions and you know I don't like wee-" Before I could finish my sentence she interrupted me.

"But you still smoke it." She said bluntly.

"Yeah cause you exhaust the shit out of me and I need some release for fuck's sake ." I explained. By that time I was already off bed facing Jordan as we started arguing.

"Oh so you're saying you're sick of me and only weed can help yo-" I stoped her mid sentence.

"No! goddamnit don't put words in my mouth. What I'm trying to explain is that I'm fucking tired of you dragging me here and there, on conventions, hiking, on FUCKING FIELD TRIPS... I feel so out of breath it's driving me insane. I'm not some kind of a goddamn robot that nothing gets through it." I said trying my best to control my outbursts.

"Well at least a robot has a purpose besides being lazy and worthless 24/7." She said sarcastically, but it only made me even more triggered.

"Fuck you. I'm literally working my ass off to make a fucking video daily... well almost daily, but that's besides the point. Do you have any clue how hard it is to try to find new ideas for vids every motherfucking day, while having to deal with YouTube's bullshit?" I asked, expecting she'd cut me some slack. After all I was the one getting my booty hole raped by this fucking website 24/7.

"Dude, you're making a big fucking deal out of this. You don't even show your face, you just bully someone for 10 minutes open Vegas put some gameplay over and you're done. What does it take you like an hour tops? Woow that's waaaaay too much for poor lil Calvin. Be careful not to get a finger cramp." She said in a mocking voice.

"Are you fucking serious? You know I put a lot of time and effort into my videos. I want them to be the best possible."

"Your youtube analytics say otherwise and you know very damn well this illuminati conspiracy theory of YouTube suddenly trying to wipe your channel out is just pure horse shit . YOU are responsible for fucking up your channel so shut the fuck up and do something innovative for a change. Then maybe you might regain some of the fans that abandoned you." Jordan replied full on yelling at me.

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