Mina x Tzuyu [MiTzu] Rumor ♠♣♥◆

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This ones requested y'all 😍 yes! someone requested! Am so happy! But I hope he/she would like this. I'll work even harder guys! 😊


Myoui Mina.. "uh? she's back.." I said after checking the attendance log book of our dance studio.

"Yup, She's back again after 6 months" My cousin answered. No one uses this room except for me, some students and my cousin Chaeyoung. She shouldn't have came back.

"That's strange, I thought she forgot about our Dance studio"
There are a lot of students here before. Now we only got 6. "That's impossible Tzuyu. Who would ever forget this place after that Rumor?"

"Well you're right,yet rumors stayed rumors" I said. I used to believe that rumor though .

Our family owns this place. My parents can't take care of this. They usually stays at home and leaves me in charge of everything.

*Plays Music then starts dancing..

It's 11:00pm. All students went home. I just got the feeling that I should'nt go home now. I start humming then here I'am now. Dancing to the last song that was playing when that rumor started .

"You still like that music huh?" a familliar voice was heard near the door where the lights can't reach. I stopped

It's been months now. Why do you need to suddenly show up? I wan't to ask her that... I was frozen when I saw that girl from the reflection of the mirror.

God,I wasn't ready for this.

"It's been months chewy-ah~" How can she still talk to me like that? I stayed silent...

"I actually kinda missed you..." No way.. Is she thinking what I'm thinking?? No, I can't miss her... I just Can't .shhh*t.

"I-I....I'll close the s-studio now. Please go home s-safely.." fck! I stuttered while stating the first sentence after all those months.

She's still standing there.Obviously not satisfied with my statement, Looking at me like waiting for my answer. "Ms. Myoui, Please, Just g-go home." I said then went to the speakers. I turned off the music.

"No, please play that music again." Now she's commanding me.

I stopped a bit while looking at the speakers. "It's getting late. You need to go home before someone see's us " I remembered that day again. Why do I feel hurt? and loved at the same time?

I know it's not her . Why do I keep believing when she's actually the wrong person ? I heard footsteps coming towards my direction. I still did'nt look.

"Mina No..." I held her hands, attempting to let go but I didn't move as she back hugged me. God, I missed those hugs so much 'please don't let go yet' She tightened her hug evenmore when she felt my hand loosen my grip.

I closed my eyes hardly as my tears tried to escape. I can't explain what I'm feeling right now.

She rested her head in my shoulder. Still hugging me. I looked at her. "Can we just stay like this forever?" she said. As much as I wan't to say yes, but we must face the reality that we Can't...

"I r-really need to go home, I'm sorry" as I let go from her hug. I didn't even bother to look at her but I felt that she fell to the ground. I heard a sniff as if she was crying. is she? I hope she's not.

I can't handle this.. I turned around. Picked her up from the ground. I saw her face. Her eyes were soaked with tears. I wiped them with a 'everythings-gonna-be-okay' look.

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