Momo x Tzuyu [MoTzu] Lights, Camera.... Acting? 🎥

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Tzuyu's POV

I was running, Fast enough to get away from her... The rain was so hard. The gods might have been very mad at us. 'Us' that never lasted like forever.

I tripped in the sidewalk of the street, which I gained bruise on my left knee. It was bleeding but I didn't bother to get up. I just cried while rain pours into me.

I hated her so much, I was all wet, suddenly, I can't feel any raindrops into my skin but I still hear the noise of the rain. Someone is behind me, I can feel it. Someone grabbed me from behind to make me stand up.

I slowly turned around, and I saw that familliar face. That handsome face, Long eyelashes, pinkish kissable lips, Sparkling eyes.. holding an umbrella, looking unreal. I was staring at him. He was like a prince, waiting for a princess. he was looking straight into my eyes. I feel like time has stopped.

That short minute, rain has stopped. He closed his soaked umbrella. Wait, he's talking to me. I haven't noticed my eyes stopped shedding tears...

Then suddenly.. H-his face is getting closer unto mine! and then... And then!


"make it more realistic guys! Come on!"
The director cutted the scene. More realistic!? What does he want!?

"Water break!!" Hah!! so tired. I'm very thankful of Momo, she's always at the set, supporting me.

"Jeon Jungkook, you're doing great honey!" Seriously director-nim? He's just standing there like nothing! Holding an umbrella and I was doing all the effort.. I just sigh in dispair

"Its okay Tzuyu-yah, you're the best actress in this set" then she winked, I drank the water that she handed me. it's obvious that she's cheering me up.

"Thank you Momo" She hugged me while patting my back. I Hugged back. I love her..

After how many cuts, the shooting was finally over, thank goodness.. After I change my clothes, we headed to the nearest restaurant.

We ordered and started eating.. I noticed that Momo seems like she want's to say something.. "Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Y-yes, Momo is fine." She smiled nervously, what's up with her?

I finished eating. Momo still looks like she has something to say. "Momo, are you okay? What is it?" She looked down nervously.

"Well.. tzuyu-yah. You and I were BESTFRIENDS for like, 8,9? Years a-and, I.. I just wanna ask you"

Oh.. yeah, I forgot were BESTFRIENDS, were JUST BEST FRIENDS. But I consider myself as hers. And her, as Mine.. But I think she want's it to be official. "What is it?" I responded attentively..

"C-can I.. Uhmm" Say it! I'm so excited. "Can you what?" I asked short temperedly.

"Can I be..." Be mine? Sure! Finish your sentence first! "Hhmm? Say it Momo"..

" Can I be Jungkook's Girlfriend i mean, should I say yes to him? Well, I'm asking you coz you're my best friend and He has been courting me since your shooting started"

Ow.. That. "Oh?..ahh-HAHA y-yeah! Its your decision.. Uhhm..wait.. I'll go home now, been moms calling" Speechless.. Jungkook's girlfriend .. Fine I'm just your bestfriend afterall.. But wtf?

"I'll drive you home" NO THANKS! Hmmp!.. "I'm fine momo.😊" Now I'm being plastic. "Okay, see you tomorrow.." I did not bother to wave or say goodbye to her.

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