Mina x Momo [MiMo] Forgotten🍃

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It's been 3 years since I left her.

I'm not sure if she'll ever understand why I have to do it.

I hope she knows that I still love her.

Myoui Mina , Wait for me. I'll comeback soon...


Why does she need to leave without saying anything?

Does she still love me?

What did I do wrong to be treated like this?

I should be hating you. But why does my heart says that I still love you.

Hirai Momo please comeback. Coz' I don't know what to believe anymore.


"Minari!~" Oh! heres my cute little dongsaeng "Chaengiee!~" (Dongsaeng Zoned :'< )

"How are you?" why is she asking me?
"We just talk yesterday" I said while looking at her confusedly.

"Yeah I know, But you haven't told me about HIM" She said emphasizing the word HIM. OMG!

"How did you know about it!?" I said while shaking both of her shoulders.

"Calm down! wait.. Ouch stop it!" Still shaking her.

"Okay! I'll tell you!" I stopped but still holding her shoulders.

"Your dad told me. He said that you don't want Him so He comanded me to make you like him" Haaaa~ my father's insane!

"He payed you right? but, No! I won't marry Jimin!" I admit, He's quite handsome but, There's still  someone in my Heart.

Yes, I know... It's been a year.. why am I still holding on? although I'm really not sure if She'll ever comeback.

"Mina-unnie, Tell me the truth. Do you still love her?" Yes.

"No." My brain just always win.

"There, your heart is finally free. You can love someone, you've finally moved on" No chaengie.. I still love her.

"I'll try my best.


It's been 2 years and my dad still push me to Jimin. We almost got married last year. But I tried killing myself using a blade, I almost died. Then Jimin brought me to the hospital, earning more trust to my father.

But then, Our marrage was canceled. My father said that I need to recover first. After how many months, my wounds healed but my heart doesn't..

Now, There goes my dad again. I still refuse. I locked myself inside my room. Waiting for someone that I've been waiting for to Knock on my door, Get me and take me away with her.

She never came back. Should I forget about her? Maybe I should.It's so unfair.I still remember her while she totally forgot about me.

I was Forgotten...


I was at my room when I felt boredom. I'm tired of thinking about her.

So I called Chaeyoung. Before I could get my phone, it rang. It was chaeng. I answered it. "I was about to ca--"

I was cutted off after her sentence. "Wha-- Say it again." Did I heard it right or...

"Hirai Momo is Back!" Yup, I heard it right. She's back.

"Mina-unnie? You still there? Hello?"

I was speechless. I don't know what to say. I was frozen. I.. I don't know what to do.

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