Jihyo x Tzuyu [JiTzu] Do it! ❤

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Being a leader is really not an easy job. If you become the leader, all the responsibilities and obligations are all yours..

"Chewy-yah! Wake up!" She's really not hard to wake up..

"Dahyun-ah! Chaeyoung-ah! Wake up!!" My throat hurts, But they're still sleeping..I tried to shake them but it's no use..

//knocks on Momo and Jeongyeons door "Momo-unnie! Jeongyeon-unnie! Wake up! hello? Wake up!!"

//shakes Sana and Nayeon.."wake up!"

Oh? Where's Mina?

"Breakfast is ready!" Uh? Thanks Minari..

"Jihyo unnie!!" Tzuyu?

"Coming!" I headed where she screamed. She's at the kitchen.

What happend here!? I can see blood at the floor!! And Mina holding her finger "WHAT HAPPEND!!?"

"I accidentally cutted Mina unnies finger!!"

"What!? Where's your finger, Where did it fell off!?"

"Huh? I'm just wounded. I'm not amputated!"

"Come here you two!" I headed to the living room..

"Sit there, I'll get first aid"

Chaeyoung woke up and saw Mina's bleeding hands. "Yah!! What Happened here!" She then sat on the sofa and hold Mina's shoulders.."are you okay?"

"Tzuyu" I handed her a cloth "Get this, put it on Mina's wound. Make sure it stops bleeding okay?" Haaah..

After I treated Mina's wound, I went to the kitchen and cleaned the blood on the sink and the floor.

"I'm so sorry unnie." Tzuyu sadly stated, she's feeling sorry of what happened . I turned around.

"It's okay tzuyu, come here" I gestured a hug, She went nearer. I hugged her, dug dug... Dug dug... Uh? What was that? What is this feeling? Never mind

We let go of each other.. She smells nice. What!?She's so beautiful.. What am I thinking!?

"I think I like you tzuyu" O___O o o p z

"What?" Uh ow!

"Ahh, uhm... I mean.. Uhmm..Never mind hehe" Why did I say that!? Jihyo-yah! Are you crazy!?

She just looked at me.. "Bye tzuyu, I need to throw these trash.." Then I quickly run out fast..


Its already night, Our schedule was really tough. Our last schedule was a dance practice for our special stage. Manager oppa needs to cancel one photoshot so that we could rest. We just got home, all members are tired, sleepy and hungry.. What should we do.

"I ordered pizza and chicken, just wait for it here okay? I need to go somewhere.. " our managers left us..

"Okay, thank you oppa! " All members are  resting on our living room.. Looking really tired and sleepy..

"I'm hungry TT" Momo said while her eyes are closed.

"Just wait for the food, okay?"

Sana and Dahyun was sleeping while sitting on the  floor and leaning on the sofa next to Nayeon, she was sleeping flatly on the sofa. Mina hugs Chaeyoung from the back while sitting and leaning next to each other. Momo is at the floor with Jeongyeon occupying all the space..

Tzuyu, she's at my lap, sleeping real tight. I was combing her hair with my fingers.. She looks so stunning even when she's asleepI won't deny saying that..

I looked at her face closely... I caressed her checks,I touchdowns d her lips.. she woke up and opened her eyes and saw me looking at her. I didn't startled. I liked how she looks at me. Its like, there's a spark between our hearts.. Electricy flows on my vains as she touched my hand on her cheeks and caressing it..

I kissed her forehead... Then her nose.
Should I kiss her lips ?.. I was about to do it when the doorbell rings!.. Good timing! I immediately sit normally. I looked around, no one woke up! Phew! I think my face got red.. Tzuyu got up,

"Come on! I'll help you! :)"  I got up and went to the door.. We retured to the living room and opened the box of pizza amd chicken, then all the members automatically woke up!

That was really close. Good thing, no one woke up, because, it could be so embarrassing..I looked at Tzuyu, she was happily eating pizza while talking to the members..

After eating, I cleaned the mess, Chaeng and Mina help me clean up while others are taking a bath and  others are removing their make up.

I went to the kitchen to throw the trash.. I saw Tzuyu drinking milk. cute :>

"Eheemm.." She turned around and smiled widely, she's hooding a mug and a box of milk..she has an ark of  white stain on her upper lip. She looks super cute!! (help!!)

"You want?" Then she handed me the box of milk.. Wait, this scene is quite familiar... (Descendants of the sun?)

"Yes, But there is another way" I walk towards her then grab her mug of milk, I drank from it.. "Hah~, what?"

Tzuyu just looked at me, her eyes are as wide as my eyes! Omyghad! Then her face turned red and slap me a little on my shoulder..

"Don't do that again!" Tzuyu covered her face with her palm..and run away..
Tzuyu l, she's really cute! :> I love her, not just a member, but something more 😉


Sorry for my typos and wrong grammar!! Hehehehe and by the way, the previous story l,this one and the next one are all requested 😊 I'm so greatful! I'll do my vry best to improve my stories guys! I promise and I will do my best to update every week(?)

Thanks for reading! 😊😘


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