SLAYING LOVE Cadet! Levi X Squad Leader! Reader (No AU)

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MANGA SPOILERS! (not many. Just to get the story started. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Green Flare

Green flares are the first flare option. They are mostly used to tell others that the threat has been eliminated.


All Clear

Red Flare

Red flares are the second flare, and they are the most used. They generally signify someone needs aid.




Titan Eren is in trouble

Need an escort to a Reload Station

Black Flare

Black flares are the third option, and generally, means something EXTREMELY dangerous is approaching.


Female Titan

Yellow Flare

Finished Game


Other miscellaneous uses


Intro. . .

I enjoyed being a squad leader. Only the best could be one, and I was lucky enough to be one along side of Hanji, Mike, Ness, and Erwin, and under Commander Shadis' command. He was a good leader, but he just sent Erwin and Mike on a dangerous mission in the Underground. They were sent to capture three Underground criminals. It was a dangerous mission, but some had to do it and they were the men for the job.


Once they had gotten back from their mission, Erwin and Mike came to talk to me. I was sitting in my office finishing up paperwork when they arrived. It was who was with them that I didn't expect. There were three others; two males and a female. The female was short and had red hair with pigtails, one male was taller with blonde hair, and the other male was rather short with black hair. The black haired one glared at me while the others seemed skeptical.

"Captain (L/N), these are the criminals," Erwin stated. He turned to them and gave them directions, "introduce yourself and salute her." He was a little rough with them in my opinion, but I had no idea why there were here or who they were at all.

The girl and the tall male saluted me.

"Isabel, miss."

"I am Farlan."

The other male continued to glare. The one name Farlan nudged him with his elbow and told him to be 'social'. I didn't think that the unnamed one liked that idea. His friend struggled to get him to show any emotion and Erwin was getting frustrated with him.

I began to study them all. Two of them were fairly clean for being Underground, while the other was dirty. He seemed pissed off by the fact that he wasn't clean. My eyes squinted as they caught his and challenged him to staring contest. I was testing him, seeing if he'd give up. He didn't. I liked the determination that he had. Suddenly I broke the eye contact. I looked up at Erwin who was paying attention to the three. I then looked to Mike who was looking at me. We nodded at each other.

"So, why'd you bring them to my office? I'm curious." I playfully said to Erwin. I truly was, curious that is.

He cleared his throat and took his attention off the trio. "Well Captain, I wanted you to take Levi and train him. I know how thorough you are and that you can take control of the wildest of cadets. He may not look it, but he's more than a handful. Mike and I were going to take the other two. What do you say?"

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