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So many emotions washed over me all at once. I didn't know what to do with myself. My first thought was to throw myself off a tall building, my second thought was to stab the bitch who stole him from me, and my third thought was to chew Levi out for what he had done to me.

One evening, I received some pictures through an email from an untraceable email address. Some were rather grainy, almost like they were taken from afar and zoomed in on. Some others were clear. They were pictures of my "loving" husband Levi, and one of his employees, who was also one of my "good friends." Seeing the pictures made me want to cry and vomit. They were out on dates together, having sex, and doing other activities. The rage inside me hit its boiling point and I had to do something about this situation.

I took the proof that I had and took a drive over to Levi's company Ackerman Corporations. It was a large, tall, black building that housed many cubicles. The building itself was easily ten stories tall.

I used to visitors pass to easily gain entrance into the building and marched right up to his office, not even bothering to knock on his door. If he was cheating on me, I wanted to catch him in the act, luckily, he wasn't at the moment and that gave me the slightest bit of relief.

"Levi Ackerman," I said with a stern, monotone voice.

He looked up from his desk and away from the paperwork that he was doing. He gave me a small smile. "(F/N), what are you doing here?"

I leaned against the wall by the door. "You're cheating on me."

He looked appalled at my accusation. "(F-F/N), I have no idea what you're talking about. Why would you accuse me of such a vile act?"

I rolled my eyes and tossed him my phone. I had it already opened to the pictures that were emailed to me. His eyes gazed at the screen in dismay. His mouth hung open like he couldn't believe the proof that I was given.

"H-How did you get these?" He demanded.

"Someone emailed them to me. So, you're cheating on me with my good friend Brianna? As in Brianna from accounting here. Am I correct?" For some reason, I was calm then. I didn't want to kill him or my friend.

"Yes..." He weakly admitted.

Suddenly there was a large lump in my throat that I attempted to swallow. "For how long?"

"It's been a few months," Levi suddenly looked ashamed of what he had done, "look, I'm sorry. It was a mistake that I wish I could take back. I was planning on ending it today, but you came in."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Yeah, because ending it today would have totally erased it all. Almost like it never happened, but guess what, it did and I feel the pain of it. Did you even think how I would have felt if I ever found out? Did you think I would have ignored it when I found out? Was I not enough of a wife for you?" I was boiling with rage now, but I didn't want him to see how torn up over it I really was.

On the inside, I wanted to die. I felt like nothing because I knew that he had cheated on me. It hurt me to know that I seemingly wasn't enough of a lover and a woman for Levi, that he felt the need to go and find someone else to replace me. I wanted to scream and cry and throw things from shelves. I wanted to destroy his office, but I didn't want him to see me as hurt as I really was. Being too nonchalant about it would have been crazy, and I was still in shock.

An awkward silence filled the air as he searched within himself for an answer that I wanted to hear. I impatiently tapped my foot on the ground as he looked everywhere in the room, except for at me. I was starting to get annoyed with him. The least he could do was make up some bullshit answer.

He sighed. "I'm sorry, babe. I wasn't thinking at all. She came onto me. I know that I should have rejected her, but I couldn't resist. I was stupid, an idiot." He hung his head low and shook it. His raven colored hair fell over his steel eyes, the eyes that I fell in love with, but started to fall out of love with.

An awkward chuckle escaped past my lips. "You know what? I don't even want to hear it right now. I'm just done. You fucked up. I'm taking my shit and leaving. You can keep the phone." With that, I walked out of his office and out of that building and never looked back. I went back to our house and packed my things up. I called my friend Kaelynn who said I could stay at her place for a while.

The first night on my own was miserable. For years, I was so used to sleeping next to another person. For the first time in a long time, I felt cold and alone. I didn't know what to do with my feelings. I cried myself to sleep. I even blamed myself for him cheating on me. I wanted him back, I missed him. I even began to think that I should have apologized to him or forgave him for what he did. That mindset went on for months.

It wasn't until a year and a half later that I started to forget about him. He wasn't that only thing on my mind. I could go out and do normal activities without someone or something reminding me of him. That was until one time of course...


To be continued? I'll take suggestions.

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