PLAGUE part 2 (Levi X Reader)

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Day 20 *early morning*

I loaded every food item I possibly could into my car that was parked in my garage. Levi grabbed other essentials that I had and also threw them in my car.

Once we had everything we thought we needed, Levi got in my car as I stood by my garage door. I had an old garage door that had to be open and shut by hand, no remote or electricity.

When the door was fully open, I quickly hopped into the passenger seat of my car as Levi took off flying down the road. Once I buckled up, I also buckled Levi since he himself neglected to do so.

"Where are we heading?" I asked after I got myself situated in my seat.

He smirked and gripped the steering wheel a bit tighter as he drove into the darkness. "You'll see..."

Day 20 *evening*

A mall? I asked Levi as we pulled into the parking lot.

He sighed as he put the car in park and rubbed his temples. "No, you idiot, look past the mall; its our way out of this city. See the wall? Were escaping at nightfall. The thing is, we have to ditch the car."

I stared at him like he was crazy. "There is no fucking way Im ditching this car! What if this is all over in a week? I dont want to lose my car and have to buy a new one. No. Way."

Levi sat in the car, not bothering to look at me at all. "Whatever brat. IF this shit ends and something DOES happen to your car, I'll buy you a newer and better one. How does that sound?" He turned to me with a blank expression on his face, but I could tell that he was really pissed off by my worry for my piece-of-shit-car.

"I've only known you for thirteen damn days, but fucking hell, you are one of the most annoying people that I have ever met. You're so goddamn stubborn."

"Is that why you hate me? Because I'm persistent and stubborn?"

The raven-haired man shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose as a response. I took that as my answer, which happened to be yes. I was sure that he didn't truly hate me, he was only annoyed by my personality. Not that I didnt blame him. When I'm persistent about something, I can be the most annoying person in the world.

We sat in the car with awkward silence also occupying the space. I didn't know what to say to him, and there was still a few hours before it was going to be dark enough for us to sneak out of the barricade.

I decided to look from where we sat to see how wed get over the barricade. I saw a plank from the top of the mall that lead to the top of the barricade. Were we supposed to cross that in order to escape to the other side? It just looked like a few 2X4s connected rather shoty-like.

"So, are we supposed to cross on that tiny board up there?" I asked pointing up the spot on the roof.

Levi nodded. "We need to get to the roof in order to cross. We should head inside soon. Dark is coming. You don't want to be traveling in the dark with the living dead things walking about, now do you?"

I shook my head. Traveling in the dark was dangerous if you didnt know your surroundings, and where we were was definitely foreign to us at the moment.

As I thought about it, a question popped into my head. Wait, what about once we get across? Won't it be dark then? What are we supposed to do then? Sit and wait? I managed to crawl into the backseat to put a few things together before we left.

"Relax," Levi breathed, "I have it all covered. I still have a few contacts. Have you not seen the satellite phone that I've been carrying around? It's kind of hard to miss, or are you just that much of an idiot?" He spoke as he looked at me through the review mirror.

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