DISRUPTION *Lemon-ish* Teacher! Levi X Student! Reader

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There is no Lemon in this, but there is some lemon-like content.


I sat in my chair, leaning back so I was only on two of the legs, and listened to the boring lecture that my most favorite teacher in the world, Mr. Ackerman, was giving. I kicked my feet up onto the table in front of me just to annoy him. Everyone knew just how much he hated things to get dirty, so I always decided to give him a hard time about it in class. Yet, he never punished me. He'd only give me a stern talking to, unlike the other students who'd have to stay after and clean up their mess plus the mess from others.

As I blew a bubble from my gum, it popped loudly. That was another thing that Mr. Ackerman hated. He hated to find gum under the desks.

Just as I thought, his head snapped right to where I sitting. I flashed him a cheeky smile and saluted him in a mocking fashion. I knew I pissed him off just by the way his face contorted into a disappointing snarl.

"Miss (L/N)! You have disrupted my class for the last time! I have tried to be patient with you, but you continue to push me and push me until I hit my breaking point." By the time he got to the end of his sentence, he was practically growling the words at me. And although I was getting yelled at in front of the whole class, my face still wore the same cocky smile that I've had on since the stupid class started.

Mr. Ackerman pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath in. "Class dismissed." He said much calmer than I thought he would.

As soon as he said 'dismissed' everyone, including me, stood up and gathered our things.

Just as I was about to leave my row of tables, Mr. Ackerman called out to me. "You are to stay here, Miss (L/N)." I sighed out loud and trudged my way to the front row just to sit in front of him and maybe make him even madder. I also rolled my eyes once I sat down.

"What?" I questioned him with another eye roll.

He cleared his throat and leaned against his desk. It seemed as if he was just going to yell at me yet again, which never phased me, but this time he stopped in the middle of class and told all the other to leave when the class wasn't even close to being over. All my classmates owed me for this. Shit, I got them out of an assignment. They owed my big time, like food or something.

"You have disrupted my class for the last time. Time and time again, I have given you warnings and just yelled at you, but you have never done anything to change your attitude. You are a senior in college for God's sake! I'd expect you to act like a normal adult, not an annoying brat! If you want to succeed in life, you have to act like an adult, (F/N)!" He took a few breaths in and put before calming down again. It seemed that he was pretty enraged at how I was acting. Others in his class acted more childish than I did, so why should he care how I act? It seemed pointless to me.

"Mr. Ackerman, why do you care how I act? Jean acts like a toddler, that's worse than how I act, but I don't see you lecturing him." As I pointed out the obvious, his eyes slightly widened. He realized that I was calling him out on it, which was just what I wanted because I knew it would only frustrate him further.

Just as his eyes widened, they immediately went back into their permanent scowl, but even more of a scowl than usual. In fact, he looked as if he could kill me right now in this particular moment. But soon, his face softened. It was a side of him that I've never seen before. He seemed to almost feel sympathy for me, but why? I was just a mere student to him.

I almost regretted speaking up to him. Everything felt so awkward now. There was only silence between us, and I couldn't take it. I grabbed my bag and began to stand up again, but this time I found Levi standing in front of me, only inches away. I immediately sat back down in my seat, and he sat down next to me, facing me.

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