This was my first real battle. I've been in a battle, you could say, for the last slice of pizza with CJ. CJ! My family. As I was fighting demons in hell as a vampire, they were probably up there eating pizza right now. CJ could get all the pieces he wants now.
The first thing I do in my first real battle? Punch a demon in the face. Ha! It was awesome! I punched him so hard, he was already done for. I felt like doing a victory dance, but victory was nowhere near.
"You can't win this!" Kyler yells as he fights Dalton. "Maybe not. But we'll walk away better people, or die trying to be." It bothers me when he spoke of dying. I didn't like it, and I sure as hell wasn't planning on dying tonight. Kyler laughs. "You all will die a horrible death!" I glance back in front of me. The demons run straight past me, going for Zaiden, Ruben, or Dalton. I frowned. Is this a girl thing? Or is this a new vampire thing? Either way, what the hell?! I punch and kick about twenty demons as they run by, grabbing their attention. "That's right, punks! I'm in this fight!" I yell at them. Then they start attacking me. Oh, go back to the boys! I yell in my head. "Die, vampires!" Kyler's father yelled, and somehow manages to create more fire. I saw that about five demons had Zaiden surrounded. I run up to them, tripping them up and punching them down. "Thanks." He says, and runs off to another part of the fighting.
Demons lay on every side of me. Finally! It looks like we might actually win after all! But I realized I was getting ahead of myself. A gasp of horror makes me turn around, but it's none of us vampires. It's Kyler. "Father!" He yelled as Ruben runs from the Devil, who's on the ground. "What did you do?" I asked as he came near. "I turned his power against himself." When no one acknowledged that we knew whatever that meant, he continued. "He creates fire, right? So I calculated when his fire would hit me, moved away at the last minute, and the fire ricocheted off something metal and hit him." I stare at Ruben. "How in the hell did you do that?" No pun intended. "How did fire ricochet?" Zaiden asks. Ruben shrugs. "Not everything is normal in life anymore. We of all people should know that." I chuckled a little.
" killed my father." Kyler interrupts. We all turn to him. Ruben killed the Devil?! Kyler has never looked so angry. "I'll kill you!" He yells, and jumps at Ruben. Dalton jumps in front of his brother, backing Kyler away. "Enough!" Kyler yells, and throws his hands in the air. All the other demons disappeared. "This is a fight strictly between you and me." He says, pure hatred in his red eyes. "Kyler-" I try. "Don't start with me!" He glares in my direction. "You took away someone I loved. Now I'll take away someone you love. You all love!" He speeds at me, and grabs me in a headlock. "No!" Dalton yells. "Kyler! Let her go!" Kyler laughs. "Boy, didn't we just do this about an hour ago?" "Kyler, did you really love your father?" I asked. He stops laughing. "What?" "He made you kill-" "Here we go again! Is that the only thing you ever talk about?" "He made you kill Elahna." I finished. He tenses at the sound of her name. "Then locked you in a dungeon." "Every father has their flaw." He simply said. "That sounds worse than a flaw." I said. His grip gets tighter. "Enough talking!" Dalton moves closer. "One more step from you, and I'll break her like a china doll!" Dalton stops.
"Ever wonder what happens when our bloods mix?" He snarls and grabs a needle filled with blood. "Stop!" Dalton runs over and quickly grabs me out of Kyler's grip. He glares at Dalton viciously. Zaiden speeds over and grabs Kyler's knife from earlier. He stabs Kyler in the stomach. Kyler screams in agony and falls to the ground.
And suddenly, I'm overcome by my thirst for blood.
The End Of The Beginning
VampireBOOK 3 AFTER LOVE AT FIRST BITE AND THE FALL OF A KINGDOM. Vanessa wakes up feeling very different. Dalton, Zaiden, and Ruben comfort her, and gently tell her the truth. On top of this, the vampire's biggest enemy, the demons, are continuing a war...