Did he hurt you?!

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Emma POV-
We where finally at the docks. I grabbed Killians hand I skipped down to the sands trying to lighten the mood I guess. We walked right down to the ocean edge and we sat on a blanket we brought. And then he began to speak
"So...how are you"
"Im alright I guess, my head and hips hurt but nothing else"
"Good. God I was so scared I was going to loose you"
"You can't get rid of me that easily"

He chuckled and lightly pulled me into a kiss.

"So... About last night?
"I'm sorry" I cried
"Hey, don't ever be sorry for something that you had no control of!"
"It's just... When Neal grabbed me I froze. I didn't know what to do. I hit him but he knocked me to the floor. The last thing I remember was him ripping off my shirt as I was lying in the sand. When I kicked him in the face he flew back and everything went black."
"Did he, you know...hurt you like that?"
"No..." I whispered
I collapsed into his arms and let out a loud whimper. He pulled me in and kissed my head. I leaned up and lightly kissed his lips
"Thank you"
He kissed me back stronger this time, yet still gentle. We stayed until the sun was setting.
We made are way back home and I curled up into bed. Killian soon followed and he wrapped his arms around me.
"I'm right here" He whispered. It soothed me and I soon fell of into a sleep, which surprised me.

Killian POV-
I heard cries from behind me and I knew exactly what it was. No wonder she couldn't sleep, she was sexually assaulted. I turned over to comfort her but she didn't move. She was still asleep...
"Emma, Emma wake up!"
I shook her gently a few times before her eyes shot open.
"Neal-beech-blood" she panted out. All i knew I could do was be there for her. I pulled her up onto me and cradled her like a baby for a while. She lent up and kissed me before she jumped out of bed and checked the time. It was already 9am so I also climbed up and hopped into the shower.
I climbed in and began to wash away my thoughts when a suddenly felt a hand on my waist. I shot round with a smile plastered on my face. I pulled her in as I saw her smile, but with pain behind her eyes. She nuzzled into my neck and mumbled something.
"I didn't want to be alone"
I pulled out of the hug and lightly pressed my lips on hers. I turned my head in thought briefly and next thing I knew Emma was massaging some shower gel onto my back.
"This is a part of my thank you"
She whispered before she nibbled my ear. She dug her hand right into my shoulder blades, releasing all the tension after the last few days. I let out a moan before I quickly turned around to face her. She was really quick because now she was rubbing my chest and my waist. I've got to say it turned me on but I knew thats not why she was here.
I scooped up some of the remaining sudds off of me and I spun Emma around. I gently rubbed her back, avoiding pressing to hard on the bruises. I lightly traced my finger down her spine and began to draw shapes on her bare shoulder. She fell back into me pulling her closer than ever. I lightly pressed a kiss on her neck and she turned back round to face me.
"Later..." She whispered. And next thing I knew the shower was off and we where both wrapped in a large towel.
We both got dressed and we headed down to breakfast. I could tell Emma didn't really want to eat but she put on a brave face and did.
"Emma... I don't want you to get mad at me but... I think that maybe you should see someone..."
She paused and processed it for a moment.
"You're...you're right, I should. But I don't want to go alone. Will you come with me?"
"Of course love, I will do anything for you"
We both agreed that we would go to speak to Archie at 4 but for the rest of the day we just chilled and watched some movies.
4 o'clock soon rolled around and we hopped in the car. I could tell she was nervous so I grabbed her hand and we drove away.

*2 months later*
Killian POV-
Therapy sessions have really helped both of us. Emma now only had the occasional nightmare but they were slowly becoming few and far between. Neal was sentenced for 20+ years so he wants now out of our lives so we could live happily ever after.

Emma POV-
Me and Killian have just been enjoying a married life...well all until this Thursday evening. I've been wanting to tell killian something but I never found the courage until tonight.

We where struggled up on the couch as a family. Me, Killian and Henry. Henry jumped up off the couch to grab some popcorn before the movie started​. It was me and Killian alone now.
"Killian, I need to tell you something..."
"What is it? You can tell me anything..."  His eyes began to fill with worry as I took a deep breath.
"K-killian... I-im p-p-pregnant..."

I didn't really know why I was stuttering but all all I could do was look down at my hands. I couldn't look into his eyes unless I wanted to break down in tears. After what seemed like minutes, I felt his large hand on my shoulder, causing me to look up.
"E-Emma that amazing! Im going to be a father, again!"
I couldn't help but chuckle at that last line. As he pulled me into his embrace, Henry walked in.

"Hey, uhhh, did I miss something? Why are you crying?"

I let out another laugh and I stood up and hugged my now, teenage, son.
"We're having a baby!"
Henry's face was filled with delight, fit after a few minutes it began to fade. Was he okay with this?
We began to watch the movie and I couldn't help but notice the space between me and Henry. He has moved over to the other couch and didn't say a word.
I guess the movie was pretty boring but that didn't matter right now, I was bothered about Henry. As the credits rolled on i whispered in Killians ear "Hey, I think something's up with Henry, can you give us a moment?"
He nodded and announced that he was going to the shop to buy some chocolate from the shop, and he left.
I stood up and snuggled into the side of my son.
"Henry, I know something​ is bothering you. What is it? Is it about the baby?"
I turned around with tears streaming down his cheek, shattering my heart.
"I-its just, I feel like when the baby comes that I'll be forgotten, now that I'm older. I'm happy for you mom I really am, I'm j-just scared"
Tears welled up in my eyes and I pulled him into a long embrace.
"Henry... I would never forget about you. You always be my son. My little boy. My baby. Never forget that. Just because you grow up it doesn't mean things have to change. I mean yeah this baby is probably going to get alot of attention form everyone. I mean we are royalty. But Henry look at me. I promise that I will not love this child anymore I love than you. Nothing has to change between us, I don't want that. I want us. One big family"
"I love you mom..."
"I love you to kid..."
And just at that moment Killian came back in. We all sat down to watch another​ movie. And life was..well perfect now...

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