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Frank and Gerard spent the rest of the day driving. Frank made it through Maryland, where Gerard and Frank switched seats. Gerard was now driving and Frank was giving him directions.

Throughout the day, they discussed their favorite movies and bands. They even told each other childhood stories. Not once did they mention the fact they were on their way to murder someone. For a minute, Frank almost forgot that he had busted Gerard out of prison to kill a casino owner.

For a minute, it seemed as if Frank and Gerard were life long friends going on vacation to Las Vegas. Frank had entirely forgotten that he had weapons in the backseat of his car.

"Frankie?" Gerard asked when it started to get dark.

"Yeah?" Frank asked.

"Do you like me?" He asked.

Frank paused. "Yeah, Gerard. You make a great friend," He admitted.

"No, no, I mean, do you like like me?" Gerard asked.

"How can I like like you when we just met?" Frank asked.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" Gerard asked.

Frank didn't answer. He didn't even notice when Gerard pulled the car over. When the car stopped running, Frank snapped out of his thought.

"Why'd you pull over?" Frank asked.

"The car," Gerard said,"We forgot to get gas."

"Shit," Frank said and he leaned his head back against the seat.

"What do we do now?" Gerard asked after a few minutes of silence.

Frank didn't answer. He looked out the window, into the black night. Right outside the car, across a small field were a set of train tracks. Frank peeked up. He looked at Gerard.

"I have an idea," Frank said.

"And that is?" Gerard asked, and then a train could be heard in the distance. Gerard's face lit up and Frank nodded.

The two of them hurried out of Frank's car and grabbed their bags. They both ran across the field as quickly as they could. The train started to pass.

"See that open car? We're going to jump in it," Frank said.

"Okay," Gerard said.

They both stepped back, then ran. They leaped forward and landed inside. This car was almost empty. There were some boxes in the corner, but other than that it was empty.

"Amy idea where this train is going?" Gerard asked.

"Not a clue," Frank said and he sat down. Gerard did the same.

"So," Gerard said,"You never answered my question earlier."

"What question?" Frank asked.

Gerard chuckled a little. "You really don't like answering questions, do you? The question about believing in love at first sight, stupid," He said.

"Oh," Frank said,"I really don't know," He shrugged.

Gerard looked down and Frank stared outside. Then, out of nowhere, Gerard leaned toward Frank and kissed him. Frank's eyes widened, then he closed them. He kissed back. After a few seconds, Frank pulled away.

"What the hell Gerard!?" Frank exclaimed.

"You can't say much considering you kissed back!" Gerard said defensively. He was right. Frank could've pulled away as soon as Gerard leaned in, but he didn't. He kissed back.

Frank was speechless. He didn't know what to say. Frank was thankful it was dark, because he was blushing very hard. He couldn't lie, he kind of liked the kiss. He has kissed many people before, but none of the kisses ever felt like that one did.

That kiss felt right, but Frank didn't know if he wanted it to be.

"Hello? Earth to Frankie?" Gerard said, waving a hand in front of Frank's face. Frank shook his head and blinked a few times. Gerard giggled.

Then it hit Frank. Gerard had only been teasing him. He didn't mean the kids, which is what scared Frank. Gerard Way was a strange man. He just lured Frank in and made him fall in love with a single kiss.

What scared Frank was the fact that Gerard probably felt no emotion toward Frank. He just kissed Frank to annoy him, and it worked, but it changed him, too.

"G-Gerard?" Frank asked softly.

"Yes?" Gerard asked in a singsong voice.

"Did you mean that?" He asked.

Gerard smiled. "Yeah," He said casually.

"That scares me, you know," Frank said.

"What?" Gerard asked.

"The fact that you said that so easily. How you just kissed me so easily," Frank said.

"I've been planning it ever since we left Mikey's," Gerard said.

"What?" Frank asked.

"Yeah. I started liking you as soon as you started cutting my hair," Gerard said.

"You say it so effortlessly, like love is the easiest thing on Earth," Frank said.

"Love is whatever you make it, Frankie," Gerard said.

Frank had to think about that. He rolled over on his side and decided to try and sleep.

"Going to bed?" Gerard asked.

"I need to think," Frank told Gerard.

"Well," Gerard said,"I'll be right here if you need me."

Frank shivered. He set out on a mission as a criminal, but started to turn soft. All in one damn day, too.

Sorry, this chapter was a bit shorter than the others, but WOW it just got interesting. Thanks for reading this and I hope you're enjoying the story!

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