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"Hey, Frank, wake up," Gerard said, shaking Frank. Frank slowly and painfully sat up.

"My back hurts," Frank said, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah, mine too," Gerard said.

"Where are we?" Frank asked.

"Not sure. Somewhere in Tennessee, I think. I woke you up because the train is starting to slow down," Gerard said.

"Oh, then we should probably get off," Frank said.

"Yeah. There's a station right up here. We can jump off now and then check the map to see when the next train leaves," Gerard suggested.

"Yeah. If we can find a train that leaves in a few hours then that will give us time to go get some food," Frank said.

"Exactly. We should probably jump now," Gerard said, helping Frank up. The two men grabbed their bags and then jumped. They landed in a field of wild flowers.

As they jumped, everything from last night came flooding back into Frank's mind. Was he and Gerard officially together?

"Frankie, I want to talk about last night," Gerard said as they walked to the train station.

"Me too, Gerard," Frank agreed. Frank sighed deeply. He knew this would never work out. He didn't help Gerard feet out of prison to fall in love with him. "I don't know if this is going to work," Frank finally said as they walked into the station.

"I was thinking last night," Gerard said,"And I really do like you, Frankie. You're perfect in every way, but I'm not going to force you into a relationship. If you want to stay partners, then that's what we'll do." Gerard looked hurt as the words left his mouth. Frank didn't want to hurt Gerard, but he had to say no.

"Okay. I'm glad we talked about this," Frank said.

"Yeah," Gerard said, looking down at his shoes.

"Um, anyway, the next train leaves in an hour," Frank said, changing the subject.

"So should we walk down the street and try and find a store to get some snacks," Gerard said.

"Yeah," Frank said.

Gerard felt awkward. So did Frank. Gerard had regretted everything. He wished he never kissed Frank. He wished he never created this weird tension between them. Just as they were somewhat becoming friends, Gerard ruined it.

He wanted to cry. Emotions like this are what caused him to go out and get himself arrested. He couldn't deal with his emotions very well.

"Frank, I have to use the restroom," Gerard told him when they walked into a small supermarket.

"Okay, I'll be just down here," Frank said, pointing behind him.

Gerard walked into the bathroom and locked himself inside a stall. He let himself sink to the ground. He hugged his knees and looked up.

Gerard was in love with Frank, that's for sure, but Frank wasn't in love with Gerard. He should've known that, but he was too stupid to realize it. Then he kissed him.

Gerard shook his head. Frank probably hates him now.

There was a knock at the door. "Anyone in here?" Someone asked. Gerard sighed.

He got up and decided to wash his hands then leave. He almost forgot that this was a public restroom and people were probably waiting outside.

Gerard opened the door and there was a line of a few people outside. Gerard walked by, muttering "sorry" under his breath as he walked past.

"Hey, Gerard! There you are," Frank said, holding a few snacks in his arm. "Like all of these?" He asked.

"Yeah, those are fine," Gerard nodded.

"Cool. Let's go pay for these and then catch that train," Frank said. Gerard nodded in agreement.

After paying for the food, the two of them headed back to the train station. Frank tried to act normal as if nothing had happened between him and Gerard, but it just tore Gerard apart more and more.

Frank started to notice this. Gerard wouldn't call him "Frankie" and he wasn't talking much. He just seemed sad and acted like something was bothering him.

Frank didn't really say much to Gerard as they snuck onto the next train. They were very silent. Frank just stared outside as the train hurried along the tracks and Gerard read his comics.

When it started to get dark, Frank knew he had to do something. He couldn't just leave his and Gerard's relationship like this. He had to do something. He knew exactly what.

Frank stood up and walked over to Gerard. He sat down beside him.

"Hey," Frank said.

"Hi," Gerard said, flipping a page of his comic book.

"Whatcha reading?" Frank asked.

"Doom Patrol. The usual," Gerard shrugged.

"Listen," Frank said,"I'm sorry."

"For what? You didn't do anything," Gerard said, setting down his comic book.

Frank and Gerard gazed into each other's eyes. Oh, how Gerard's eyes sparkled like the stars outside. Frank loved that. Gerard loved how small, but feisty Frank was.

Gerard looked away. "No," He said.

"What?" Frank asked softly.

"You don't want a relationship. I won't do this to us again," Gerard said.

"Gerard," Frank said so soft it was almost a whisper, "It's okay. I've been thinking, and I made a mistake saying that. After getting my emotions and feelings together, I realize that I'm in love with you, Gerard, and I don't ever want to lose you."

Gerard's eyes filled with tears. Why he was crying? He didn't know. What he was feeling was a more powerful emotion than what he had ever felt before. People call it love.

"S-so you want to be a thing, then?" Gerard asked.

Frank nodded. "Yeah. I think we should be a thing."

"Good, because I like being a thing, and I'm glad I met you," Gerard said, his voice a little shaky.

"I wasn't to sure about you at first, Way, but you're okay," Frank smiled. It wasn't a smirk and it wasn't fake. It was a real smile, which was rare to see from Frank these days.

"Goodnight, Frankie," Gerard said, scooting down and leaning against Frank.

"Night, Gee," Frank said.

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