Marauder Found pt. 2

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Setting: at the same time that Jemima is returning from the potions class room, Harry is returning from the DADA class room; Harry's p.o.v.

I walk back to the great hall, feeling a bit sad to see Remus go, and that school is practically over; that I'll be returning to the Dursleys' for yet another miserable summer. I'm lost in my thoughts until I bump into someone and find it to be Jemima coming from the direction of the potions class room. I eye her questioningly for a moment as she picks up a letter that fell from her hands and gives me an strange sort of smile. She winks at me and makes her way in the direction of the owlry, while I make my way to Gryffindor table...

"Stand back I said," Ron's voice rings out as I enter, "or I'll-I'll take it upstairs and that's settled."

"Harry!" Neville shouts the moment he sees me, "where ever did you get it?"

"Can I have a go Harry?!" Shamus asks running up after him, "after you of course."

"What're you talking about?" I ask confused

"Quiet," Ron snaps leaning on his crutch, "let the man through," he tells them, "I didn't mean to open it Harry," he stutters, "it was badly wrapped...they made me do it," he finishes, pointing between the twins

"Did not," they say in unison with Romula sitting between the two of them smirking

"It's a firebolt," someone says

"It's the fastest broom in the world," another person says

"For me?" I murmur in disbelief as I looking over and people aw at it, "but who sent it?"

"No one knows," Ron tells me

"This came with it," Hermione says holding up a feather and smiling at me knowingly

"Well let's not leave everyone in suspense here," Romula says with a Cheshire Cat grin, "take it for a test fly."

     I stare at the few cuts on her face that match her father's, a result from that night, but she just smiles at me warmly and sends me a wink before turning and kissing Fred on the cheek. I shake my head and snap out of it, I pick up my broom and hurry out of the great hall with all of Gryffindor following close behind me in excitement. The moment the front doors open, I rush already practically mounting the broom as I pass Malfoy and his brood of idiots with everyone cheering in anticipation as they follow me. Not even a second after mounting the broom, I take off faster than the blink of an eye. I scream with excitement and thrill as I fly around the castle and out over the lake....

"Jemima!" I shout as see her leaving the owlry

"?" She turns and looks around confused at to who's calling hers

"Jemi!" I shout again, this time as I get lower to the ground

"Ahhhh!" She yells as I pull her onto the broom with me while still flying, "HARRY!!"

"Haha!" I can't help but laugh at her

"You jerk!" She shouts, "you know I'm afraid of heights!"

"Says the girl who rode a hypogriff and can turn into a bird!" Shout back still laughing as she clings tightly to me in fear

"That's different!" She shouts back

"How?!" I ask

"Buckbeak's a living creature!" She shouts, "a broom isn't, and I'm in control when I'm a dove!"

"You're a witch!" I argue

"Not every witch rides a broom Harry!" She yells back

"So then its the broom you afraid of," I clarify, "not heights?!"

"Okay, yes!" She replies as I fly us over the water of the lake and feel her grip tighten around me, "I'm afraid of flying! And it's not just brooms!"

"What'd ya mean?!" I shout back

"I've been afraid of flying ever since you were dangling out of the flying car over the train last year!" She shouts as get closer to the castle

     The moment our feet land on the ground, is when I realize that her grip around me is iron clad tight and she's trembling with fear...I hadn't the faintest idea that she'd be this afraid. Everyone is surrounding, and cheering, asking if they could have a go, but my only concerns are for Jemima, who is still shaking even after we've landed. I can feel her fear radiating off of her as I watch her look around and slowly let go of me...

"C-c-con-gra-adu-l-lations on th-the n-new b-b-broom H-Harry," she stutters out

     Still trembling, she tries to take her a step, but almost stumbles and falls instead; I go to catch hr after handing my new broom to shamus, but some else beats me to it: Malfoy. He smile at Jemima...wait, what? He smiled? It soon disappears from his face as his eyes meet mine and he glares at me and I glare back. We must have been glaring at each other for a good minute before he took Jemima's hand and pulled her off somewhere away from me...
(Draco's p.o.v.)

     I pull my Lily-Dove away from Potter and all the horrid Gryffindors' and back towards, Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy, who's still terrified of her I might add. How dare he; how dare Potter try and steal my Lily-Dove from me, isn't that mud blood Granger good enough for him anymore? I'm so mad, I must be red in the face; Crabbe and Goyle stare at us, but don't say a word as I wrap an arm around her trembling waist and pull her close to my side. I turn my head to send a glare to Potter, but look back when I feel Jemima's head resting on my shoulder. I can't believe the school year is over so soon and this is the last time I'll get to spend with my Lily-Dove till next year; I won't get to see her much during the train ride home do to all the kids that'll wanna tell her their problems and secrets.

I don't get why she doesn't just tell them all to bugger off and leave her alone or at least charge them for it, seeing as no body asked her if she wanted the job and basically just forced it upon her. Later that night, we're in the Slytherin common room for the last time this year. Jemima and I sit on the couch in front of the fire place, everyone else has gone to bed and we're the only ones left. I glance down at her as she readjusts her head from my shoulder to my lap...

"Comfortable?" I ask as a smirk grows on my face

"Enough to fall asleep," she says with a sleepy smile, "promise you'll write?" She asks me with a yawn

"Of course I will Lily-Dove," I coo as she struggles to keep her eyes open

"Draco?" She whispers half asleep already

"Yes Lily-Dove?" I whisper back with a yawn

"Would you still love me even if we were enemies?" She asks and I grow confused

"That doesn't make any sense Lily-Dove," I whisper as I play with her hair, "what do you mean?"

     I get no answer, and when I glance down at her, I find that she's already fast asleep on my lap; a smile forms on my face as I stare at the beauty that is my Lily-Dove. I really do love her with all my heart...

"Sweet dreams my Lily-Dove," I whisper to her as I feel sleep taking me over

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