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Setting: 3rd person p.o.v. (Takes place while Ron & Harry are following the spiders/ talking with Aragog)...

     Jemima walks down the corridors in her school robs as if she were in a trance, she's clutching the diary close to her as she goes and all around her is completely empty. No one else is awake as she continues walking until she reaches a certain point. She was breaking many school rules, being out this late; not that she had a clue that she was even out side Slytherin dorm to begin with. She stops, pulls out a rather pointed quill and runs the pointed end deep in her arm and down till it's bleeding. She does this quickly, with no emotions and as if she can't feel an ounce of pain; her other hand dance across her bleeding arm and drench it's finger in the blood as if it were paint.

She strokes her blood covered fingers over the wall multiple times as she takes care in going between writing each letter out and reapplying blood to her fingers from her arm. Once every letter is written out, she turns away and walks down the corridor again: towards a certain bathroom. She slips into the vacant bathroom and walks straight to on of the sinks; still clutch onto the diary, words of another language flow freely out of her mouth as if it were the most natural thing in the world. The blood from her bleed arm, stains her skin as it dries and hardens and the sinks begin to shift and move until a secret entrance opens up. Still in the trance, she jumps down and walks down one of the tunnels until she reaches a circular door with snakes on it like a lock.

The same strange language slips forth past her lips once more, and the snakes start to move; the door opens and Jemima enters past it. It isn't until she is in the center of the chamber, that the diary-still clutched in her arm; still controlling her-bids her to lay down on the stone floor. Jemima's eyes close as her skin begins to pale and the life starts to drain out of her, while a good looking young man of about maybe sixteen or so and dressed in Slytherin wardrobe appears and stares down at her. He doesn't smile or frown, his face no more than a straight line as he becomes strong and more tangible from her growing weaker...

"Oh Jemima..." he says to the dying girl in a heartless tone, "you foolish little girl...who would ever want to be friends with you."
(Meanwhile: At the exact same time, in Dumbledore's office)

McGonagall is sitting at his desk looking at a very specific magical map; the map showing her all the happenings of all the people in the school. Professor Sprout working hard and late in her green house on the mandrakes to ready them for the un-petrifying potion, Madam Pomfrey hard at work making sure the petrified are comfortable, and students heading back to their dormitories. All seems well about the castle, and just as she's about to close the map and head for her bedroom, she spots a certain name leaving the Slytherin house. For a moment, all she does is watch as the name walks the halls, stops and lingers in one for a long while before walking again and disappears from the map completely...

"Oh my gracious..." she murmurs with a sense of fear rushing over her as she makes not of the hall that the person had been at, "Mischief Maker found."

With those words said, the map turns back to a blank folded up piece of parchment and she hurries to gather the teachers as well as Madam Pomfrey and get to the second floor corridor immediately. She puts the now blank parchment down in a drawer in Dumbledore's desk and hurries...
(Again, at the exact same time...)

Harry and Ron are hurrying back from visiting a petrified Hermione in the hospital while reading the clue she left for them with in her clutched hand...

"The many fearsome beasts that roam our land, none is more deadly than the basilisk; capable of living for hundreds of years, instant dead awaits any who meets this giant serpents eyes," Harry reads to Ron as they walk, "spiders flee before it...Ron, this is it. The monster in the Chamber of Secrets is a basilisk. That's why I can hear it speak, it's a snake."

"But, if it kills, by looking people in the eye...why is it no ones dead?" Ron asks

"..." Harry goes quiet as he thinks a moment and stares at his own reflection in the darkened window before them, till realization hits him, "because no one did look it in the eye..." Harry says with a pause, "not directly at least..." he says as he goes back to thinking and the start walking again, "Collin...saw it through his camera; Justin...Justin must have seen it through nearly headless Nick! Nick got the full blast of it, buts a ghost, he couldn't die again..." he says as they walk, "And Hermione...had the mirror; I bet anything she was using to look around corners in case it came along..."

"And Mrs. Norris?" Ron asks, "pretty sure she didn't have a camera or a mirror Harry..."

"...the water..." Harry says in a low voice as he stares at the stone floor in thought, "there was water on the floor that night. She only saw the basilisk' reflection."

Ron nod silently in agreement and Harry looks back to the paper he had taken from Hermione; having trouble seeing the words in the dim light of the torch lit hall, Harry makes his way closer to a near by torch with Ron at his heels.

"Spiders flee before it," Harry reads again, "it all fits."

"But how's the basilisk been getting around?" Ron asks confused, "a dirty great snake, someone would've seen it."

"Hermione's answered that too," Harry says showing his friend the paper

"Pipes?!" Ron exclaims looking between the paper and Harry, "it's using the plumbing?"

"Remember what Aragog said..." Harry says as the both look around the ceiling and then back at each other, "about that girl who died fifty years ago? She died in a bathroom..."

"Yea?" Ron mutters quietly

"What if she never left?" Harry asks

"Moaning Myrtle," Ron whispers in revelation

"..." Harry nods quietly in conformation

"All students are to return to their house dormitories at once," McGonagall's voice rings out like a loud speaker and the boys look between each other and down the near by hallway, "all teachers to the second floor corridor immediately."

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