Broken bones & Dobby

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Setting: Quidditch game: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin...

     I watch the game anxiously from my seat in the Slytherins section-still don't really understand most of the game by the way-I watch as both teams fly around with the...I think it's the quaful? And the beaters go after the...bludger. Is it wrong that I want Gryffindors to win, but I also really hope Draco catches the snitch? My house scores yet another goal, and is in the lead, I should be happy and proud like the rest of my house is, but I'm still not a big fan of cheaters. Looking about the teachers stands, I notice a familiar white-blond haired man sitting next to Snape; the same white-blond haired man that wouldn't stop eyeing me at the train station last year when I returned home from my first year...Draco's father. A great anger pulls at my insides as I pull my attention back to the game and see Draco rather close to a Harry; probably taunting my brother if I had to guess...

     Suddenly a rouge-bludger?- purposely comes at Harry, but he dodges it and it comes back at him yet again; sending poor Wood spiraling and smashing the stick end of his broom. The ball comes flying back at Harry and he continuously dodges it at every turn, but it keeps following him where ever he goes. The ball flies right threw the stands holding the teachers as Harry passes them. Oh dear god, please don't let him die; not like this anyways...I hold back a giggle as the ball goes straight for Draco after Harry's last dodge, and catch sight of the snitch. I watch in horror as both boys go after the snitch. With the rogue ball right on the tail end of their brooms...

I don't see either Harry or Draco as they both dive into the seat rafters below, but I know that the ball is still chasing us; I suddenly hear a weird flying sound coming towards me. When I look in the direction of it, I see a similar ball to the one chasing Harry coming straight at me. My eye goes wide in horror, while everyone around me screams and moves out of the of it as best they can. I dodge and duck, flipping from side to side as Harry and Draco come up from the rafters, still going after the snitch with the ball chasing them both. They go back down again as I'm still being attacked, but everyone is too focused Harry to notice since he came back up and Draco came flying out off his broom and got a rather rough landing...

     I see Harry reach for the snitch, but his arm gets broken when the ball finally lands a blow on him; he balances himself carefully and reaches for it with his other hand. Harry takes a rough landing as well as he finally catches the snitch and the game ends with us both still dodging the rouge balls. I finally let out a blood curdling scream as the rouge ball smashes straight into my face and everything goes black...
(Harry's p.o.v.)

"Finity Incantato!" Hermione screams as the buldger is coming back down

     With her spell, the ball explodes to pieces and everyone rushes towards me, along with a few towards Malfoy, as I catch my breath...

"Ahhhhhhh!" Come an ears piercing scream

     We all turn just in the knick of time to see another rogue blodger attack a Slytherin girl and knocker out cold before Hermione can make it explode as well...

"Thank you," I tell her as the pain in my arm hits me

"Are you okay?" She asks as all of Gryffindor come towards me at a run

"No; my arm," I say, "I think it's broken."

"Not to worry Harry," Lockhart says, "I will fix that arm of yours straight away."

"No," I say, "not you."

"Poor boy," he says, "he doesn't know what's saying; now, this..." he says pulling up my sleeve, "won't hurt a bit...brackium Amendo!" He shouts

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