What We Desire & The Secret Keeper

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Setting: the next night...

I found myself once again out past curfew-not purposely of course, but still-I got lost in thought and took a wrong turn somehow. I look around and find myself in a room with only two other people and a large mirror...I stay quiet as I listen to Dumbledore tells Harry what the mirror does, to forget about it, and not come looking for it again. A mirror that shows your hearts desire? I wonder what I would see if I looked in it...I wonder what Harry saw; things go quiet as Harry leaves...

"You can come out now Jemima," Dumbledore calls

"..." I quietly remove the ring from my finger

"You should be in bed," he says

"..." I look past him to the mirror, then back at him

"Go ahead and take a look," he says, "but like I told Harry; don't come looking for it again."

I nod my head slowly before stepping before the mirror; I turn around to find Dumbledore gone, I look turn back to the mirror and at first all I see is myself. I soon see a woman with green eyes and auburn hair standing next to a man with glasses, jet back hair, and hazel eyes; both behind on either side within the mirror. But I know they're not actually behind me, they both smile at me warmly...

"Mummy?" I ask looking to the woman who shares my hair

"..." she silently nods

"Daddy?" I ask the man

"..." he silently nods as well

"..." I can't help but smile at the images of them

After a while of starring at them and engraving every detail of my parents features into my head, I put my ring back on my hand and turn it three time; once I'm invisible, I leave and go back to the Slytherin dorms. I might not ever get to meet them, but at least I know what my parents looked like now...at least I got to see them. I feel a bittersweetness in me as I climb into bed and drift off to sleep remember their faces. I wake the next morning and bring Jareth outside so he can fly around a bit, I take note that I'm not the only one; Harry's out with his owl too. When spring finally came, unfortunately all the students returned as well and classes started up again. My ring never left my finger, nor did my earrings leave my ears or my book leave my side.

I spend most of my time in the library studying; in fact, that's what I was doing today, until a sudden slam on the table next to me caught my attention. I look over to see the Gryffindor trio with a large book-geez are they trying to get in trouble? I shake my head as I go back to reading. The next time I look up, I have an awkward Gryffindor boy sitting before me starring at the table. I stare at him a moment before he looks up-it's Longbottom-what's he doing here in front of me? He nervously look up from the table at me and I just stare at him...

"Sorry to bother you..." he starts nervously

"..." I shake my head

"I was wonder..." he continues, "that is if you don't mind..."

"..." I tilt my head confused as he stutters

"Could I tell you something?" He asks, "I mean...if figured you'd be the best person to tell. Since you don't talk to anyone I mean..."

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