Train ride

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Setting: September 1; platform 9 & 3/4, Jemima's p.o.v.

      I say my goodbyes to Bill, thank him and hurry onto the train to find my usual empty compartment to myself; someone had taken to literally labeling it, 'the secret keeper compartment,' from everyone to know right where to find me. I sit listening to a bunch of first years voice their fears, second years go on and on about their summers, many other years as well, and all before the train whistle even started to blow. I now have a seventh year sitting rather quietly with me; I vaguely remember talking to her last year about her  life before Hogwarts...

"He's escaped," she murmurs looking out the window, "my father I mean..."

"..." I simply stare trying to remember who she said her father was again...I might be the secret keeper, but that doesn't mean that I'm able to remember everyone that everyone has ever told me

"The supposed mass murderer: Sirius Black," she says quietly, "its all over the Daily Prophet that he escaped from Azkaban..."

"..." oh? Right...

"I haven't seen him since I was six, and that was twelve years go," she mutters, "everyone believes he killed the Potters...but I don't."

"..." he supposedly killed my parent? Does Harry know he's out? I need to talk to my brother

"I'm afraid for him," she says, "I failed too many core classes last year and have to repeat my seventh year...fell asleep one too many times," she jokes the last part

"People!" The compartment door bursts open and a familiar silver haired girl waltzes in, "oh! Siggy I didn't realize you where in here with her, so sorry; I'll...just...wait...outside."

"No, Rommy; its fine," Sigrid says, "I was just finishing with her."

"?" Really? Cause that's not how it sounded

"Alrighty then," the silver haired girl says taking a seat, "sorry again Siggy!" She calls as Sigrid leaves before turning back to me with a wide smile

"..." I stare at her for a moment before she finally gets it and starts speaking

"I'm so excited!" She practically squeals, "my dad's gonna teach at the school!" She practically bounces in the seat, "I'm going to be his favorite student in DADA! Eeeeee!" I have to cover my ears as she squeals excitedly, "oh so sorry," she says still giggling, "dad always says that I'm way too excitable; I've told him all about you...well, more like he demanded I tell him after reading the letter I gave him last year, which turned out not to be about me at all, but about you..."

"?" Me? Why would it be about me I think as she happily rambles on

"And as it turns out, he's your godfather," she finishes

"Wh-who?" I ask confused, having missed a majority of what she said

"My father silly," she replies happily, "honest, haven't you been listening to a thing I said? My father Remus Lupin is your godfather; Romula H. Lupin: pleasure to meet you Ms. Potter," she finishes holding out her hand

"..." I stare and then shake it...this girl maybe whackier than Luna

"Well!" She exclaims still lively as ever, "I should get back before dad wakes up to find me gone and..."
(3rd Person p.o.v.)

       Just then, the train suddenly stops and they're no where's near the school; the lights go out as the windows ice over and temperatures drop rapidly to the point of seeing ones breath...

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