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Setting: Winter break/what the title says...

     The snow falls beautifully and covers the land around the castle as Christmas time comes once again; most students return home, not me and I'm surprised to find that Draco and the tweedles actually stayed as well. That makes things easier on Harry, Ron, and Hermione I suppose. I managed to get a hair from another Slytherin girl for Hermione like she asked me too. It was loose on the girl's robes, but the boys are on their own with getting the tweedles hairs; I sit alone at one end of the Slytherin table not really hungry, so I just read my book. Once done eating, the Gryffindor trio split up, Hermione going off to Myrtle's bathroom and Ron and Harry make their way over towards me.

     They stop half way as I close my book and head for the doors so that other Slytherins don't think I conduct 'secret keeper business' during meals or get suspicious as to why two Gryffindors are coming to their table. Harry explains what Hermione told them and I lead them off to the coriander that leads towards Slytherin house. I set the pastries up on the floor and hide behind the nearby statue with them as Ron pulls out his wand to do the levitation spell...

"Um; Ron," Harry says stoping Ron, "Maybe I should do it."

"Yea; Right," Ron says glancing at his still broken wand before putting it away in his robes

"Wingardium Leviosa," Harry says swishing and flicking his wand just right

     With that the pastries lift off the ground and float in mid air as the three of us wait for things one & two to show up, and soon enough both idiots come out of the great hall; walking and laughing, arms already loaded with pastries. Both thick headed morons grab at the floating pastries-too stupid to see anything out of the ordinary here-and immediately start to devour them. Within seconds they're out like a light, hitting the floor before they even realize something was off about the treats they just had found...

"How thick could ya get?" Ron asks

"Come on," Harry says look between us, "let's get them."

     I follow behind them and help shove the clotpoles' into the closet and keeping watch while Ron and Harry rob them of their robes. Once done we magically lock the door just to be safe and then we go our separate ways. I head back to the Slytherin dorms and they to Myrtle's bathroom. Soon enough, the fake Crab & Goyle were sitting with Draco in the common room, by the fire; while I'm in the back quietly reading and pretending not to listen in. Draco starts by bad mouthing Ron's family, and I take notice to 'Crab' get tense at this, but he writes it off as a stomachache...

"You know, I'm surprised that the daily prophet hasn't done a report on all these attacks," Draco says, "I suppose Dumbledore's tryin at hush it all up. Father alway said that Dumbledore was the worst thing to ever happen to this place."

"..." though I don't agree with him about Dumbledore; I do have to admit he as a point about the attacks not making paper...even if it is better for me

"You're wrong!" 'Goyle'/Harry suddenly snaps

"!" My head snaps up in their direction at the out burst and Draco seems suspicious

"..." everything goes quiet for a moment as 'Crab' looks to 'Goyle' and I eye everything as Draco gets up from his spot on the couch

"What?!" Draco snaps at 'Goyle' once standing, "you think there someone here that's worse than Dumbledore?!"

"..." 'Crab' immediately shakes his head no

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