Chapter 22: Slaps

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Author: It was very close but choice C won. Thank you for those who participated.

What do you do?

A. Accept his offer.

B. Refuse his offer.

C. Slap him.

You chose

C. Slap him.

Are you sure?

> Yes No

Natsume's POV

Reiji: Do you accept my offer?
I can't think of anything, accept his offer? No! I won't be his slave! I raised my hand slapped him, hard.
Natsume: Like hell I will!!! I will not choose you no matter what!!!
Reiji stood there in shock. I pushed him away and ran far away as I can. I ran outside and stayed in the forest.
Natsume: I can't believe I slapped him.
I collapse on my knees and stared at my red hand that slapped Reiji. It still stings but it felt so good.
Natsume: I always wanted to slap that smirk off of him.
Laito: Wow Cutie-chan! I didn't know you have the guts to slap Reiji.

I looked up to see Laito in front of me. He was leaning against a tree with a smirk on his face, amusement in his eyes.
Natsume: You saw?
Laito: I saw and heard the whole thing. That was very entertaining, I laughed at Reiji's face~! That's the first time he made a face like that!
I groaned and held my head down.
Natsume: Reiji is gonna kill me.
Laito: No, it's gonna be worse than that Cutie-chan.
Natsume: What's worse than to be killed?
Laito smirked.
Laito: Do you want to know Cutie-chan?
Seeing is damned smirked face, I don't want to ask at all.
Natsume: Nevermind. If I go in there, Reiji is gonna slice my head off. Then he will stab me 50 times.
I keep imagining the worst kind of scenarios he will do to me. Laito spoke up.
Laito: I'll help you Cutie-chan!
Natsume: You, Laito Sakamaki, are gonna help me?
I stood up, cross my arms and looked at Laito suspiciously.
Natsume: What's the catch?
Laito gave me his "innocent" smile.
Laito: No catch Cutie-chan~! You entertained me by slapping Reiji so, I'll help you out. Besides, I don't want my pet to be killed.
Natsume: I'm not your pet!
Laito ignored me and kept talking.
Laito: Lets go face Reiji's wrath Cutie-chan.
Laito grabbed my hand and dragged me to the mansion as I try to get my hand out of his grip. I gave up when we got in front of the door. Once we got to the enterance, we opened the door to see Reiji.
Natsume: R-Reiji, were you w-waiting for me.
I saw a whip in his hand, which made me scared a bit. His eyes were bright red and had a permanent frown with a resting b*tch face.
Reiji: Indeed I was Natsume Komori.
He used my full name. Oh no. Reiji forced Laito to let go of me and grabbed my arm.
Reiji: Let's go to the dungeon, you been a bad boy Natsume. I need to discipline you more.
Reiji had a vice grip on my arm and his nails pierce my skin, drawing blood out. He started dragging towards the basement. I tried to move but Reiji won't budge.
Laito: Now now Reiji, calm down~!
Laito stopped Reiji.
Laito: Cutie-chan didn't do that much to you.
Reiji: This demon disobey my commands and slapped me. He needs to be punished.
Laito: Oh~! He's a demon.
Laito smirks at me.
Laito: I agree that he needs to be punish, but that won't do any good.
Reiji: Why not?
Laito: Punishing him won't do good. It will make him disobey you more. You seen how feisty he is.
Reiji: I agree with that. His will to fight won't back down. No, I'm gonna burn that passion down.
Reiji starts dragging me away as I try to struggle away, until....
Subaru: Oi!!!!! What are you doing!!?
Subaru was on the balcony and jumped down. He forcefully pulls me away and hugs me tight. Reiji glares at Subaru.
Reiji: Subaru, give him to me. NOW.
Subaru glared at Reiji, not backing down.
Shu: Oi, calm down.
Shu was on the couch.
Shu: Just because he slapped you doesn't mean you should torture him to death.
Natsume: W-What!?
Reiji: Tch. This is none of your business you dead beat.
Laito walks in front of Reiji.
Laito: Reiji~! Calm down~! Here's a deal. If he does anything bad to you, you'll be able to punish him all you want next time. Just let this one go this one time. He disobeys all the time so you can torture him later.
Reiji thought for a moment and glared at Laito.
Reiji: Fine, only this one time.
Reiji glared at me.
Reiji: You're lucky Laito saved you. I would have extinguished that fire in you if I've punished you.
He walked away, I let out a sigh of relief. Subaru's arms are still around me.
Natsume: Um... Subaru. Can you let go please?
Subaru blushes and let's go.
Subaru: S-Sorry.

   Subaru teleports away, leaving me with Laito

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Subaru teleports away, leaving me with Laito. Shu already disappeared when Reiji walked away. I turned to Laito.
Natsume: I guess I owe you a thank you.
Laito: That's all I get? I want a reward!
Natsume: A reward? What do you want then?
Laito: A kiss.
Natsume: Kiss!?
I blushed.
Natsume: Fine! Only on the cheek alright!
Laito: Alright.
I leaned in and gave a small peck on the cheek but when I was about to pull away, Laito took my head and slammed our lips together. After a few seconds, we pulled away.
My face was flushed red while Laito was smirking.
Laito: That wasn't bad right Cutie-chan.
Natsume: I-It was okay.
Laito: Got to go Cutie-chan!
Laito ruffled my head and walked away.
Laito: Kiss you later!
Laito gave me a surprisingly cute smile.

Laito: Kiss you later!   Laito gave me a surprisingly cute smile

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I blushed and didn't say anything back. He teleported away, leaving me alone.
Natsume: I get kissed by almost every boy here, I'll never get use to it.
( Author: The only person he didn't kiss yet is Subaru)
I walked back to my bed and smashed my face on the pillow. I slowly started
falling asleep.
Tomorrow is another day.


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