Character Profile

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Name: Natsume Komori

Real Name: Natsume Kurosaki

Name means: Natsume (summer eye) Kurosaki (Dark destination)

Age: 17


Personality: Protective, caring, sweet, kind and gentle to Yui

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Personality: Protective, caring, sweet, kind and gentle to Yui.

To the brothers: Cold, heartless, rude, stubborn, quiet and emotionless. Later on he gets embarrassed of their teasing and *cough* sexual touching

Real self: Fun, protective, happy, caring, motherly, gentle, quiet, mischievous, stubborn and tsundere

Race: Half demon, Half human

Sexuality: Gay

Powers: Shape shift, invisability ( spelled wrong), lives forever (immortal), can change age and gender but real gender is a male

Likes: Pocky, music, books, cooking, Yui, the brothers soon, quiet places, souls (that what he eats), sweets, children, singing, Undertaker and his scythe

Dislike: Annoying people, loud places, any one hurting Yui, fangirls, sports and the brothers for now, also hunters

Family: Seiji Komori (adopted father), Yui Komori (adopted sister), Hayato Kurosaki (father), Yuki Kurosaki (mother), Undertaker (God-father)

Past: Natsume's father is a demon and his mother is a human. They fell in love but when the underworld found out, they kicked out his father. They fell in love anyway and had Natsume. They grew up in a nice happy family. His father trained his powers and mastered it at five. When he was 10, hunters attacked his family. They killed his mother thinking she is a demon. His father let him escape only to see his father die in front of him. Natsume was mad and he killed the hunters and ate their souls. Natsume packed all his stuff, collected all the money he had and burned the house. He has a ring from his mother and father at his 8th birthday. After that, he lived as a thief and steal food but one day a shinigami name Undertaker (Black Butler) found him and trained him. Now, he can use a scythe to hunt for souls. When he was 12, he left the undertaker and went to a church. There, he found Yui and they became quick friends. Seiji Komri heard that he doesn't have parents so he adopted him and they were very happy that they were brothers and sisters. They grew up together and grew very close.

Extra: He is lazy sometimes, always wear gloves and a choker/coller but at school, he has to take his gloves off. But he keeps on the chocker/coller. Gets easily embarrassed and Yui knows that he is a demon.

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