Chapter 19: Music can actually bring you together

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   Natsume's POV

   I saw Shu. He was laying near a window, guessing that he was sleeping here.
Shu: Such a dirty boy. Playing with all of us, toying our emotions.
Natsume: That's not it at all. You vampires are fighting over me for no reason. I'm not special at all and I thought vampires have no emotion. Especially you.
Shu: You don't know all the things about us.
   We stopped talking. The room was full of silence and it was getting awkward. I saw Shu listening to music. I wonder, what is he listen to? I walked towards Shu and gently pulled the earbuds out of Shu's ears. Seeing that Shu didn't stop me, I put the earbuds on.
   Once I put it on, I heard gentle classical music.
Natsume: You listen to classical music?
Shu: What, is it weird?
Natsume: No, it's not that. It just that, this music suits you perfectly. Do you play?
Shu: Violin and piano.
Natsume: Cool, I can play the guitar, piano, and flute.
Shu: You also like music?
Natsumes: Like, no, I love music!
   I didn't see the small smile Shu gave me. I talked passionately about music. I played those internments since I was little. Father bought them for me and I played and sing in front of Yui.
Shu: Play me a song.
Natsume: You want to hear a song from me?
   Shu nods. He looks generally interested of listening me play.
Natsume: Okay, what instrument?
Shu: Guitar.
Natsume: Alright.
   I got up and grabbed a guitar. I walked towards Shu and sat next to him. While I was thinking of a song, Shu laid his head on my shoulder.
Natsume: What are you doing?
Shu: Be quiet, play your song. Also, sing for me.
Natsume: Why?
Shu: I heard you sing earlier so sing while playing.
Natsume: Okay, wait.
   I thought of the songs I could play. It took a while but I thought of my favorite song.
Natsume: Okay, I'm ready.
   Shu nods me to play. I started strumming my guitar.

(Mafumafu is the lighter voice and Soraru is the deeper, pretend that he is singing all the words and his voice is Soraru's) I love both utaites though.

   I then started to sing

(I'm lazy to put the romaji)

The sun's been nice the past few days

I sit around just to watch all the clouds

A lazy hazy blue sky time

This sighing air that's closing my eyes

A memory that just won't come

It's getting harder everyday

Cuz years and minutes all fly by

And just like that we're old and grown


Adult world plans to understand

The midnight walks, funny signals to talk

"Let's fight the day, it's war" we'd say

Hold out your lone hand and rise up against

It made no sense but went with it

The lonely hearts just too weak to resist

Lost as I was and never found

I couldn't take another round

Parting through waves in this tall field of grass

Glaring a hole through hazy sun

Shouting to me turning to your side

"Don't wanna be alone? Then come and don't!"

Even the things that I felt from before

Born in the noise that had knocked at my door

Fold in my mind and slowly flying out of sight

"Was it all a dream in the haze?"

A secret place for me and you

Where everyday was fun and new

A simple time played in our heads

We'll tell this story again

A jet stream shoots across the sky

"It's just so bright" we stare wide eyed

What did your face look like back then?

I don't know why, but I can't see it at all

A welcomed pained reality

Ran through and soon had all passed me on by

Our chosen days go slow in pace

But any second could come falling down

Played overtime the past few days

Adults afraid and then looking away

I think somewhere along on the road

We realized a lot about...

Feeling the world going 'round and around

Seeing a dying sun beat down

Shining a haze as the rays give way

"Never forget but time to move ahead"

Tapping our feet, run to meet future days

Dreaming away of tomorrows we made

No going back, we're moving to that world ahead

"Change it knowing you're not alone"

"But know deep down, it's over now"

"Our secret place, our final page"

Lost as we were and what we found

We'll tell this story again

The lonely kids will take a stand

Make up their minds and make a plan

Day after day they turn the page

"We'll meet again someday"

"Refreshing, isn't it?" we say

A summer sky as clear as day

Let's breathe the air, try not to cry

It's time to say our goodbyes

A secret place for me and you

We laughed away the Summertime blues

"Remember every page somewhere"

"and we might meet" So I will draw it again

Day after day

   I was done singing. I looked at Shu to see he is sleeping. I smiled and put my guitar down. I yawned and leaned my head against Shu. I slowly closed my eyes and darkness was brought around me. Music can actually bring you together. I slept on the surprisingly warmth next to me.

Done. Video and music does not belong to me.

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