No Use; Come Here (25)

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I didn't move, I didn't kiss him back, I don't even think I'm

breathing. I hit him in his chest, and he moves away from me. "What in the absolute hell are you doing?"

He smirks, "You know you missed me baby."

I squirm under his touch as he grabs my wrist as I was about to hit him again, "Where'd this piece of shit come from?" he asks taking the bracelet Harry gave me in between his fingers.

I try and pull away from him, "Let go of me."

He presses hid lips to the right side of my neck, still holding my wrist, "I'm going to take what's mine."

I look around and every body else is inside. This isn't happening,this can't happen. I try to push him off of me with my other hand but he stands perfectly still. I kept moving and he tightened his grip on my hip, "It's no use baby."

I felt tears build up in my eyes, but I'm not going to cry, not in front of him. "Just go with it," he whispers before tugging on my earlobe.

I manage to push him off of me long enough for me to hobble away from him, he grabs my arm and fall on the ground. My face is against the concrete, and then I started crying. This is really happening. Jacob rolls me over and puts his knees on both sides of my hips, before slapping my face, "Now," he says, "Are you gonna stay still?"

I shake my head, and he hits me again, I whimper but try not to cry. He unbuttons his pants and slides his hand up the the inside of my thigh under my dress. I try to push him off of me again but he doesn't move he just pins my wrists above my head.

Where the hell is Josh when I need him? Or Harry for that matter. Shit I'll even take Matt right now. I squeeze my eyes closed as I feel him pull my underwear down. I hear a groan and feel someone pulling my dress down, "Look at me baby." It wasn't Jacob, it was Harry?

I open my eyes a little and sure enough it was Harry, I sit up and rest my head against him chest, he wraps his arm around me and I hold it close to my chest. He held me close as I shook in his arms. I burried my face in his chest and cried. "It's alright baby," he whispers. "You're safe, I've got you," he says in to my hair, trying to make sure my dress is pulled all the way down.

When I look up Matt has Jacob on the ground. Josh is standing behind him trying to get him to stop hitting him.

"Are you out of your mind!" Matt yells. "That's my freaking sister!" he kicks him in the stomach. Josh grabs Matt's arm, "Matt, stop."

I gripped Harry's arm, "Let's get you home, yeah?"


I sat on my bathroom counter, glad my mom isn't home to see this. Harry brought a wet cloth up to the cut on my forehead. I don't care how weird this is I'm glad he's here.

"Thank you," I say as he places a band-aid over it.

"I'd do it again in a heart beat," he says putting up the first aid kit. "But I really didn't do anything, it was your brothers idea to follow you because we were going to explain everything."

"Oh," was all I could say. I turn the infinity sign on my bracelet and see something engraved on it but before I can look at what it says he says, "Look at me sweetheart."

He brought the cloth up to my lip, "Why is it everytime I'm around you end up hurt?"

I shrug my shoulders, and try to think about anything but Jacob. When he lets me get down I go into my room and change into a pair of sweats and a loose tank-top. Harry stayed in the bathroom until I changed. He sat on my bed next to me as I take my hair out of it's braid, letting it fall in little waves around my face before I run my fingers through it, "I've got it." Harry says picking up my brush.

I hesitate before I nod my head. He was a lot more gentle then I thought he'd be. Mumbling a sorry whenever he hit a tangle, when he finished he pulled it off of my shoulders in a pony tail tying it with the tie I took off of my wrist.

I look at him some what in shock at how decent it looked. He shrugged, "I have a sister."

I give him a small smile and turn to to face him with my legs crossed. "Are you ok?" he asks.

I nod, I didn't want to actually say I was because I'd start rambling, then he'd know I'm not ok, "I'm tired." He know's I'm lying but he doesn't say anything about it. He nods and stands up as I crawl under the covers. He kisses my forehead, "Goodnight sweetheart."

I give him a smile before he closes my bedroom door, as much as I wanted him to stay in my bed and hold me, and tell me every thing I needed to hear right now I couldn't bring myself to say it.

Matt calls me soon after he leaves.

"Are you ok?" he worriedly asks.

"Yeah, I just want to sleep,"

He laughs, "Will you be ok with just Harry there tonight or do you need me to come get you?"

"I think I'll be alright."

"Well I love you kid, and that little bastard isn't going to get away with just a few bruises next time I see him."

I laugh , "I love you too."

I tried to go to sleep, I tried. But everytime I close my eyes I see and feel Jacob on top of me. I toss and turn and eventually find myself crying. That's when I realize I need him. I don't know if I should go find him, or just stay here. After a minute or two of arguing with myself I decide to go find him. I look in the guest room, he's not there but his car is outside. The living room.

That's where he is, laying on the couch watching some movie. I try to be quiet but run into a chair and gasp when my toe starts throbbing. He turns his head and lightly laughs, "Are you alright?"

I nod and move closer to the couch, "Come here." He opens his arms for me as he sits up a little. I sit next to him and let him wrap his arms around me. I rest my head against his shoulder.

"I'm sorry," I say.

He shakes his head, "It's not your fault."

I sigh realizing that it's pointless to argue with him so I close my eyes and let the safety of his arms relax me.

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