Percy/Piper-Part One

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Percy POV

After the war with, you know, Gaea, things have taken a turn for the better.
Annabeth and I are closer than ever before.

Piper and Jason are always together! I mean always....ALWAYS! Piper seems to be taking my bro, but I'll deal with that later.

Leo came back, surprise, surprise, that dude always seems to have a few tricks up his sleeve, oh yeah and did I meantion that he came back with calypso, cause he did, as I said before, that dude always has tricks up his sleeve!

Hazel and Frank went to Camp Jupiter and from what I know are in a perfect relationship.

As for Nico and Will, they just started dating and might I just let my inner Aphrodite out, they are a REALLY CUTE couple.

Anyway, I was enjoying my time by taking a stroll on the beach with my beautiful wise girl. I stared into her startling grey eyes and blond princess curls and thought of one thing.

Pure Love!......

I just realized that was two words but you know what I mean. Hehehe mean has two meanin- Stupid ADHD. I got out of my trance by Annabeth snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Percy, you in there? She asked

"Yeah, yeah just thinking..."

Then I came up with an idea, which apparently is rare as everyone says.

"how about a ride on blackjack, you know like in How to train a Dragon, when Astrid and hic-" I was cut off by Annabeth

"And I thought you were actually being romantic for once." Annabeth teased

"Oh that hurts right here." I pointed to my heart. She giggled.

"How about that ride on blackjack." She reminded me. I called for blackjack........he didn't answer? That's weird. I called again louder this time. No answer. Annabeth looked at me.

"Maybe he's busy?" You could obviously tell she thought it was a far fetched idea, just by the way she said it.



My eyes widened "What?" She looked at me

"Blackjack just said help, which for him seems like he must really need help cause, dare I say it, he's really fricken strong." I told her

"Your sure?"


"Well the-" she was interrupted by Leo running over to us

Pipers POV

I was just about to head to the Athena cabin to talk to Annabeth when she appeared at my door.

"Big house, now!" Then she left. Well, that was a nice talk!

I jogged to the big house to find the seven excluding Annabeth who seemed to be coming in.

"So why are w-" Jason got interrupted by Annabeth coming in. "Why are they here Chiron, please tell us why they are here and why the fates absolutely hate us?"Annabeth asked in an annoyed tone.

"Yeah wh-"

"Wise girl it'll be fine it always is right we got the seven...and nico, calypso, and Thalia for some reason?" Percy turned to Chiron asking for the answer to that question.

"Of cou-"

"You know I seriously would like some skittles right now!" I hope you can guess you said that.

"Would eve-"

"Were obviously not here for some camp councilor meeting thing." I stated

"I age-

"I think that piper is correct considering that hazel and frank are here, and by the way, hey sis." Nico said coming out of he shadows.

"Okay, is everyone"

"Actually I think I'm going for a more salty mood to-"

"STOP INTERUPTING ME!" Jason yelled finally. "Now as I was TRYING to say earlier, did anyone notice Rachel?" He said in a much calmer tone. We all looked a Chiron.

"Yes, it seems that your quests are far from over, as you've probably guessed by now, there was a prophecy, will you repeat it Rachel?" Chiron informed us.

I paled. A prophecy. A quest. Fate. Fate. Fate. I hate the three stupid fates, you'd think that since we literally fought in a war and suffered from many casualties, they would give us a break, but nooooo, annoying right? Rachael ripped me out of my thoughts

"The seven go to a place considered heaven
To find friends and enemies of another kind
Behind the laughs and smiles you will find the truth
All leading to one question."

(I suck at prophecies deal with it)

Well, here we go.....again.

A/N ( thx for reading my story. Honestly idk what I'm doing, so please no hate, byeeee)

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