Piper-Part 5

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Pipers POV

"Okay, so as you know I am Sophie."
Sophie said.

I don't know why I stood up for her, but all I was thinking was that I would not have wanted to been questioned by that other lady. Dame Lissa I believe was her name.

"So first things first, why are you here?"
She asked sitting awkwardly in the other lady's chair.

"No idea." Annabeth answered, we all knew she would, I mean her mother is the goddess of wisdom so she be wise!

"What were you doing when you dropped in I guess?"

"We were packing to go on a trip to Greece."

"Where did you come from."

"Greece, and Rome."

"That's not what I meant."

"But that's what you said."

Sophie sighted in frustration.

"Fine, where were you originally when you came here."

"At home."

"Okay, are you human?"

Annabeth paused and said

"No" At that Percy almost fell off his chair

Sophie looked surprised.

"What are you then."

"We are....elves." What the hades was Annabeth telling her!!

Again, Sophie looked surprised.

"Then do you have anything to do with the black Pegasus that appeared yesterday."

"Blac-" Percy was cut off by Annabeth putting her hand over his mouth.

"No." Annabeth said sternly glaring at poor Percy.

Sophie didn't look convinced.

"Okay, I guess that's it...I'll go get Dame Lissa." With that she closed the door, and once it shut everyone blurted out everything they had been holding in.

"Why did you say that we were elves."


"What the HADES are elves."


"Who are these people?"


"SHUT UP LEO!" We all shouted. Once we had all quieted down, Annabeth spoke.

"Okay, I know who they are, they're elves. Desendents of Athena. That's why their smart. Kinda like Hecate has wizards and that's why they can perform magic."

"How?" Was all I could muster.

"It's actually pretty easy if you look at it." Annabeth shrugged.

Thalia spoke up.

"Well why are we here, all I know is that I need to get back to the hunt."

"Yeah...that's it!" Calypso exclaimed!

"The prophecy!" She explained.

"Wait, does that mean we have to fulfill a stupid quest or stop something again?" Jason whined.

"Why fates!!! Whyyy!" Percy yelled looking up to the ceiling. I knew he was trying to hide it. But I could see it.

The broken look in his eye.

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