Percy-Part 6

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Percy's POV

I was nervous to say the least.

And I was angry.

And scared.

And sad.

Ok, maybe I'm not just nervous. I just don't get what we did to deserve the life we're living. Sure, I didn't do well in school but there are plenty of other students who are bad too.

Shouting from the hall broke me out of my thoughts. We all turned to the door, trying to get close to hear.

I couldn't understand a thing that they were saying behind the door. It was like a baby was talking. Gibberish I guess.

Finally the shouting stopped.

And the door opened.

I can only imagine what they saw. Just 10 people crowding by the door with surprised faces. Beautiful.

"What are you doing? Fitz asked, I think.

"Not listening in on your conversation."
Good job Percy!

"Kelp head." I heard Thalia mumble under her breath.

"Pinecone face."

"Seaweed brain."



"Haha you lose!!"

"Oh be quiet you two." Hazel pointed at me and my cousin.

Then we looked at back at the elves. They looked even more surprised.

"Hello, my name is Alden I am Fitz's father." A guy introduced.

"I'm sure you've already met these kids." He said gesturing towards Sophie and her friends.

He reminded me of someone I just can't place who.

He must've seen the look of dread on my face as he said,

"Don't worry we are not going to hurt you."

Then Annabeth passed out. And starting screaming. Thalia slammed the door in the shocked elves faces and moved towards Annabeth.

I pulled my wise girl in my arms and whispered soothing words in her ear. The screaming wouldn't stop.
What to do
What to do
What to do
What to do

"Well, do something!" Piper screamed at me.

"Well, I'm sorry this normally works. I think it's different in nightmares than in flashbacks. Like when Nico had one we had to let him live it till it ended, then he woke up!" I had to yell to hear over Annabeths screaming.

"I can't just let her live it. You know what she's reliving right now. I don't, I don't want her to have too again." Thalia yelled back pained.

"Thalia trust me, I don't want her too either! Not alone! But she's Annabeth she'll make it through! She has too." I whispered the last part.

Gods I hope she's okay.

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