Hazel-Part Three

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Hazel POV

A bunch of children walked through the halls. Once they laid their eyes on us they paused and eventually a crowd formed around us, we all reached for our weapons, I know, I know, there only kids, but you could never be too careful. I also did notice how all of them had different shades of blue eyes.

A young lady pushed through the crowd. I immediately noticed the difference between her and the other children. Brown eyes.

"Who are you?" She asked sternly looking directly at Percy. He just had that leader vibe, even though Percy hated the recognition for it.

"Who are you?" Percy fired back.

"I asked first."

"I asked second."

"Great, we got another keefe." I heard her mumble. Apparently this "keefe" heard it too, cause he walked up beside the brown eyed girl.

"Well, that's not necessarily a bad thing is it?" He winked at the girl. She blushed. Oh young love.

"Fine, I'll answer, I'm Sophie, that's Keefe , Fitz, Biana... hey are you okay?" She looked at Nicos pained face. Biana was way to close to the name Bianca.

The rooms temperature dropped and it got darker. I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Look." I whispered. He raised his head and realized what he had done and changed everything back to normal.

"Ah, does the name Biana hit to close to home for the little emo kid." A girl teased Nico. She reminded me of Drew.

"Oh gods, Drew has a dam twin." Thalia whispered to Percy, loud enough for everyone to hear though. Percy bursted out laughing, Thalia started to do the same too. Everyone looked at them weirdly.

The boy who I think Sophie said was Fitz asked us "umm what's so funny?"

"We still don't know." Jason answered.

Annabeth nudged Percy but he kept laughing. "You know what, screw it, this is, Jason, Percy, Piper, Leo, Nico, Calypso, Thalia, Hazel, Frank, and me, Annabeth." She finished. "And sorry for the interruption, but you never finished your introductions."

"Right, this is, Dex, Tam, and Linh." Sophie finished.

Some lady said walked up to us and gave us a very pointed and stern stare.

"Who are you!" She demanded

"Nope not doing it again." Annabeth announced. She seemed very annoyed. I mean there were a lot of demigods that she had to introduce to these... people? I took my time to examine my surroundings, I probably should've done it earlier but a lot happened way too fast for me to actually do it.The place around us seemed like it was just made yesterday, when obviously it wasn't.

"Where are w-" Calypso was cut off.

" HUMANS!!" Some kid in the crowd yelled.

"Hey their here so they can't be human." Another kid shouted out.

"I think you should come to my office." The same lady ordered. She gestured for us to follow. I looked at Frank and he shrugged. Then I looked at Annabeth who nodded hesitantly.

We followed the youthful looking lady down the hallway. All the students were silent and you could only hear the clicking of our feet on the floor.

Click, Click, Click, Cli-

We stopped abruptly. The strange woman opened the door to what looked like her office and walked in, all 9 of us piled in after her.

"Now tell me who you are, why you're here, or else I might have to call the councilors."

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