Chapter 3: Longing Behind

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AN: Nobody's really reading this, like they were for LTWYL :/ . Oh well. I really like the idea of this story, even if it seems boring now, its just the beginning. Give it a chance (: Anyways, thank you for those who read and voted (: Comments are nice ;) Enjoy <3 

"What'd you do?" 

The door slammed shut behind us. 

"Hey, now don't be lookin' at me," Benji defended himself, "I didn't do nothin'."

He plopped down on the couch and put his feet up on the coffee table, grabbing the bowl of chips with his good hand. He's home. 

"Get your feet off my table," Jimmy ran by his legs, knocking them to the ground making Benji whine, "I just cleaned that." 

Scottie stepped over the dirty laundry on the floor, kicking a few items, and headed into the kitchen, "Though you had work today, Jim?" 

"Nah, Boss sent a few of us home for the rest of the day. Things got slow," he followed Scottie into the kitchen and opened the freezer door. The ice crackled as he scooped it up out of the box and wrapped them around a rag. 

"He your uncle or something?" Ronnie whispered. 

I shook my head and took a seat on the arm chair, "Brother." 

He stared for a minute at the man walking back and forth in the kitchen. It wasnt an odd remark when someone mistaked Jimmy for an uncle or even a father. Hey, it's happened. The new facial hair he's grown hasn't helped his case out that much either. 

"Gosh, you people don't buy food no more?" Mike slammed the fridge door shut and went to slamming cabinets. 

Scottie chuckled and popped open a Pepsi, "Nah, we just hide it from the monkeys who tend to show up." 

"Here kid," Jimmy held out the wadded up rag to Benji, "Cops aint gonna show up in a minute are they?" 

"Just gimme the damn ice!" Benji snatched it and hissed once it touched his sensitive skin. 

I stared at the multicolored laundry spread all around the living room. Bra's, shorts, and t-shirts coated the carpet floor. It was my turn to do the laundry and Anna couldnt back me up this week. 

"Anna still got the late shift tonight?" I asked Jimmy about his girlfriend.

He ran a hand through his hair and kicked a bra on the floor, "Yeah. Nik you gotta clean this crap up. I havent had a clean shirt in days," he turned around, his eyes going to the boy sitting on the arm of his chair, "Um, hey." 

"Jim, this is Ronnie." 

Ronnie held his hand out, "Hey man." 

Scottie reemerged into the room with a handful of chocolate chip cookies. His stuffed one into his mouth and giggled, "He look familiar, Jim?"

Jimmy stared again. He couldnt tell. I couldnt. He couldnt-

"You related to Harry Styles by any chance?" 


There's that word again. Brother. Some sign of Harry not being produced by aliens was sitting in our house right beside me. Who knew? Who'd really know?

Jimmy half nodded and hollered into the kitchen, "Mikey boy you better not touch that chicken or I'll rearrange that big ol' nose for you." 

He stomped afer him, ignoring everything. 

Ronnie didn't exactly seem too thrilled to be here but he did give an occasional wry smile to the jokes Benji threw and sometimes he'd even chuckle and and move his shaggy brown hair out of his face. 

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