The Truth and a Midnight Kiss?

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I pulled Lou over to my flat with Niall and Zayn

"How much did he drink?" I asked

"He drank a whole bottle of this pretty strong vodka." Zayn told me

"Well he got drunk pretty damn fast.." I commented

"Ssssank shouuu.." Lou slurred

"Yes Lou, you're welcome.." I laughed

We finally got him up to my room and set him on my bed, almost immediately he passed out

"I'm going to go get Liam and Harry and bring them home. G' night Erica, see ya Niall!" Zayn said and kissed my cheek and left

"Thank you for helping me.." I said to Niall looking at the clock, 10:50pm

"It's no problem really." He told me

"Asdfgbdklasjdnvk..." Lou mumbled

I chucked lightly and motioned Niall to follow me

We walked down stairs and sat on the couch

"You don't have to wait here with me, I do this all the time with Lou.." I assured Niall

"No, no, it's my fault, I showed him the vodka..." He admitted

"Lesson learned, eh?" I laughed

"Defiantly.. Can I ask you a question?" He asked suddenly

"You just did.." I smiled

"I'm being serious.." He said looking into my eyes

"Oh, uh yeah, go ahead.." I said

"What's wrong?" He asked

"What do you mean?"

"I mean something is wrong with you. Not like that, but you are depressed, I can see it." He commented

"I- uh. It's a long story.." I said ashamed

"I have time.." He scooted closer to me

"I don't wanna be a burden.." I said softly

"No really, I want to know, if it's alright with you.." He assured me

"Well it started when I was very little, my little brothers Henry and Clay were born.." I started

"Wait, you have little brothers?" He asked

"Yes, there are 7 of us kids.." I told him

"Why are they not here?"

"It's all apart of the story.." I told him

"Then please continue.." He pushed me on

I took a deep breath

"When they were born we already moved here to England. My mom, oh my mom, she was always a loving mother, I really have no idea what happened to be honest.. she started to drink when I was about 5, but it was never bad. Plus she never did it around us kids.." I stopped and breathed deeply again and started to rub my legs and arms running over the cuts and bruisesx

"After the boys were born it got worse, she was diagnosed with depression, she even went to AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) to try to get better, when she cam back, I believed it, but then she started to do drugs, and that's when it got really bad. She was caught and my brothers were taken into child services and sent away to America with my grandma, when they didn't take me too she got angry with me.. She started to hit me-e.." I started to sob and hyperventilate

"She has- she has ever since and now my older brothers can't protect me because they are leaving, she said she is leaving my dad and I'm not allowed to go with him, I mean he's not even here to begin with, he's always at work just so he doesn't have to be near her, I don't even know where's shes been this weekend. She left Thursday and now hasn't come back.. Oh my God.. What if she kills me, what's going to happen to me?!" I spoke fastly and started to shake

Niall wrapped his arms around me

"The only reason why Liam and I are friends now is because my dad always sent me to his house when my mom got too drunk and beat me badly since he's best friends with his dad, I've spent whole months there before so I could heal. Liam soon saw all the cuts and bruises and he asked me why and I told him, from that day on he told me he would protect me because "It's not nice to hit girls." Liam is such a sweet boy. What happens when he's gone too? And that's why your mom said to come over any time, because she know, my brothers told her. But I know something will happen and she will leave too! Everyone is leaving me!" I sobbed even harder

"I'm not. I'm staying right here.." Niall said into my ear holding me and rubbing my arm to calm me down

Minutes later I stopped shaking and Niall continued to hold me whispering sweet things into my ear on how it will be alright

He turned on the telly and we watch a movie

Of course the movie ending was bad, every chick flick is

I turned to Niall but looking at the clock first, 11:59pm

"Did you mean it?" I asked looking into his blue eyes

"Mean what?"

"When you said you aren't leaving me.." I repeated his words

"Yes.." He said simply

"Why, we don't even know each other well?" I asked

"I don't know.. I-I can't explain it." He stuttered

"Can you try?" I asked him looking right into his eyes

"I'll try.." He said and grabbed my face smashing our lips together

Our lips moved perfectly in sync

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist


Okay so I know this chapter kinda sucks. But I rally needed you guys to find out what's wrong with her mom.

This was really hard to right because well.. Well that's hard to explain and sorta personal.

Comment and vote :)

xx Danehh

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