I'm Sorry, Erica!

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I woke up to tapping on a window

I opened my eyes and realized I was in a car, Harry's car


My head shot over to the noise, it was Harry

I unlocked the door and climbed over to the passenger seat

"Why are you in my car sleeping? Don't like beds eh?" He laughed

I shook my head "no, Li got drunk last night and he got angry and started yelling at me, and I got scared. When I called you, you guys didn't answer!" I told him

"What do you mean? I never got a call." He told me, he looked like he was telling the truth

I sighed "She probably turned off my phone.."

I took out my phone and tried calling Harry to see if it worked, and sure enough, it didn't

"Great.." I groaned "Harry can I use your phone real quick. I'm gonna call my brother

Harry gave me his phone and started up the car "here, let's go for a drive to get your mind cleared a little.." He said and started driving

I dialed James' number and it started to ring

"Hey Harry, have you seen Erica?!" He answered

"James, it's me." I said calmly

"ERICA! Are you okay? Why did mom kick you out this time?" He asked

"She came home drunk and just got really mad at me."

"Are you safe? Is Harry with you?"

"Yes I'm fine, Harry and I are driving around right now."

"Okay good. Why isn't your phone working? I called you a million times last night and this morning.."

"Mom turned it off."

"I'll ask Zach or Kevin if they can put you on their bill. I'm glad you are okay sis."

"Thank you, and me too. It wasn't bad this time, she only slapped me."

"I'm guessing Harry knows?"

"Liam told everyone.."

"I see. Are you okay with that?"

"I'm glad it's them and not anyone else.."

James and I talked for a while longer then we both said goodbye and hung up

"Harry, what am I going to do?" I asked him

"What do you mean?"

"I can't live with her anymore. You guys were right. I can't live like this."

"You're staying with me or one of the boys."

"What? No. I can't ask that of you."

"You didn't ask. I offered, well I told you."

"Harry, it's fine really. I'm probably getting a job soon, I'll get my own apartment."

"No, you'll live with us. We all have an extra room, so we can switch around like every other week or something so you don't get bored."

"Harry really-"

"No I don't wanna hear it."

"If anything I'll pay rent then."

Harry gave me a glare in the mirror

"Fine, you'll pay rent." He agreed, but something told me he was lying

We finally got home and went inside Harry's house, everyone was there sitting there watching tv

Suddenly Liam got up and started to speed walk to me, I jumped back and his behind Harry

"Shit.. Erica please, I'm sorry!" Liam pleaded

"Liam, leave her alone mate. She's scared." Harry said holding me behind him

"What happened last night?" Niall asked

"Why is she scared?" Lou jumped in

"What did you do, Liam?" Harry glared at him

I stood behind Harry hiding my face behind him, I couldn't look at anyone

"I got drunk last night, and I got really angry for no reason.. I- I'm sorry, Erica!" Liam said

"Liam, mate, I think it's best of you left.." Harry said taking his forearm and taking him to the front door

"You can't be serious! Erica! Tell him you're okay!" He shouted

I just stood there

Niall walked over to where I was and pulled me into a hug, "It's gonna be okay.." He whispered into my ear

"I can't believe this!!" Liam yelled and stormed out of Harry's house

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2014 ⏰

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