The New Kid (Niall Horan)

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DAT BOOK COVER THO! I know right? HubaMahmood made it! Check her out! She has a gift I swear! :) 

xx Dannehh



"Erica Quinn?" My teacher Mr. Sanburg called my name

"Here!" I rose my hand

"Jackson Kintog?" He called the last name of the 30 students

"Here, Mr. Sanburg!" The boy said raising his hand

"Alright class, turn to page 567 and read chapter 19 on The Revolutionary War, take notes and finsih the questions at the end, whatever isn't done is homework!" He said and sat at his desk ready to grade paperwork we've done in the past

The whole class including me groaned

It was 3rd period and I was bored till no end

I pulled out my phone and sent out a text

To Zaynster, LouBear, Hazzy, and Li-Li: "Save me from Mr. Sanburg's class please?"

I laughed at the nicknames I've given them when we were littler

About 5 minutes later I got a text back

From Zaynster: "Gym or guidance?" It read

To Zaynster: "Gym pleasee! (:"

Not even 5 minutes later the door opened and I looked up and smirked

"Ahh, Zayn! How can I help you?" Mr. Sanburg asked

"Erica skipped out on swimming yesterday and needs to make it all up." Zayn said handing Mr. Sanburg the forged note

"Alright, Erica, try not to skip out anymore, I don't like when you miss my class for stupid things such as this." He said excusing me

I grabbed all my stuff and followed Zayn to the front doors of the school

"So where do you want to go? KFC or Micky D's?" He asked as we walked out of the school to his red Lamborghini

"I'm in more of a chicken mood, ya feel me?" I asked and smiled

"Gotchya.." He laughed and we climbed into the front of his car

I turned around and smiled at my other best friends

"Hello guys!" I smiled at them

"He-lloo!" Lou said hugging me

"Hey Erica!" Harry smiled

"Hey! Did you have a new kid in your classes today? My dad said that we are getting a new kid from Ireland, and I saw his schedule and saw he has most of your classes." Liam said

"Huh uh, no new kid! What's his name?" I asked

"Neil Koran? I think." He laughed not remembering

"Interesting names the Irish have!" I laughed

I turned on the radio and my favorite song came on

"...Simply rage and youthful exuberance

Everybody loves to root for a nuisance

Hit the earth like an asteroid

and did nothing but shoot for the moon since (PPEEYOOM)

MC's get taken to school with this music..." (A/n: Rap God by Eminem)

We all sang/rapped and drove to KFC

* *

"We'll take the family bucket thinggy and 5 cokes please.." Harry ordered out usual

"Okay, thats going to be a total of £16.88, babe." The cashire winked at Harry

Harry gave me 'the look' and I grabbed his hand locking our fingers

"Uhm, s'cuse me, this is my boyfriend, can you back off?" I asked with a fake sweet smile

"Sure skank.." She smiled widely

I looked her in the eye and gave her a disgusted look

"Uhh, you are looking at our school's top wrestler for 4 years, you may want to back the fuck up." Lou said

The girls face showed fear and she turned away

I let go of Harry's hand and turned around to go get napkins because if I didn't, Zayn would have a fit if we got anything on 'his baby'

I walked over and went to grab one but a hand went infront of mine

I looked up and met beautiful blue eyes and bleached blonde hair

"uh-uhm.." I stuttered

"Sorry.." He said and moved his hand away

"I'm Niall... Niall Horan" He smiled and shook my hand

I felt tingly but ignored it

"I-I'm Erica.." I said and smiled a little

"Your really pretty, you know that?" He said

"Uhm thank you.." I blushed

"Erica! Lets go! Movie time!" Liam yelled

"Umh, I got to go.." I smiled and walked away from him

Judging by his accent I think he's Irish

"Are you blushing and smiling?" Zayn asked as we got into his car

"Wahh- Noo!" I yelled covering my face

"Yes she is! Look! Awe! Does Erica have a cwush?" Lou teased me

"Shut it Lou!" I joked

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say!" He laughed


Dannehh's Author Notes (DAN)-

Should I continue this? Not sure if people will read it..

Comment opinions and vote please?

Thank you!

xx Dannehh

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