Chapter 6- Jack

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The next day after Christmas, I received a letter from my father. It wasn't one I had ever been expecting, and I knew at would come as a strain on me and Etta's already shaky marriage.

As if on cue, Etta stepped into the entry hallway, studying the letter in my hand. She slipped on her heavy coat and gloves, "Who's it from?"

I sighed, "My father."

"Oh? And what has he said?" Etta asked absentmindedly. She called upstairs to her sister. "Winnie don't forget to grab your gloves before we head into town!"

Winnie's muffled reply came from above. Etta returned her gaze to me an I knew I would have to reply. I gently took Etta's hand in mine, "He is claiming bankruptcy."

"Oh no!" Etta squeezed my hand in worry. "And what does that mean for us?"

"I have no inheritance." I said slowly, afraid of her reaction.

"We still have my father's farm," she said in encouragement.

I shook my head, "I'm sorry Etta, but a new landowner is controlling the land."

She was silent for a long moment. I was terrified of what she might say next. Her next words surprised me, "Then we will both have to work hard to buy a new home in New York. Maybe a cheap little apartment? They have plenty of those."

"You aren't leaving me?" I asked in surprise.

"No, why would I?" She lifted an eyebrow in confusion.

"Because I no longer own the farm. You have no benefits in this marriage." I explained.

"And yet I still got married. I can't break the vows I made to you, Jack." She said, opening the door for Winnie to step outside. She gave me a sweet smile. "We can talk later about this, okay? I'm taking Winnie to the store to get a few things for Ma."

"Do you want me to take you?" I offered, reaching for my coat.

"John is taking us. He had an order in town to collect." She called over her shoulder.

"Stay safe!" I replied.

My wife's and niece's retreating forms hurried through the cold to the wagon. I went back inside to debate on what the next best steps for me and Etta would be regarding my father's new monetary state.
That night, Etta and I sat in the bedroom we currently shared in her parent's home, discussing our plans for when we returned to New York.

Currently, our "discussion" wasn't going to well. It had turned into a heated argument, as per usual.

"I can get a small part time job. Just to help out for a while!" Etta insisted.

"I said no! I won't have my own wife working!" I growled angrily, tightening my fists by my sides. "I can't believe we are even having this discussion!"

"Jack, I want to help. Just let me work for a few months. Just until we get back on our feet." Etta explained gently.

"I have plenty of money saved for now. You don't need to work." I repeated myself for the hundredth time.

"That's not true and you know it," she said, resting her small hand on my arm. She looked up at me with pleading brown eyes. "Whether you like it or not, I'm your partner now, for better or worse. I have to contribute myself to gaining back a steady financial situation."

I let out a long breath, closing my eyes, "Alright. But only a part time factory job, alright? Something easy."

Etta smiled softly, "Thank you."

From the way she was looking at me, I hoped I had finally done something right.

Copyright © 2017 by Rosanna Parker
All Rights Reserved
I know this chapter was really boring, but it's super important!! This is a big turning point in the story. You'll see as it begins to play out in future chapters. Anyways, please comment as vote!


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