Chapter 28-Winnie

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After breakfast, I was allowed to go back outside. My friend Jeremiah was already outside waiting for me. I liked Jeremiah. He was different from the boys at my school, and he was really funny. His skin was the color of the chocolates Papa sometimes bought me for the holidays, and he had a thick head of black curls. I loved those curls.

His clothes were ragged and hung from his bony body, but when he was all grown up, I was sure he would look much stronger.

Jeremiah looked at me slyly as I ran up to him, "Wanna see what I found while you were gone?"

"What is it?" I tried to peek into his pockets.

"Close your eyes and hold out your hands," he instructed. I closed my eyes. "Them better be closed."

"They are." I promised, waiting for his surprise.

Something wet and soggy plopped into my hands. I dropped it, a squeal erupting from my mouth, "Ew!"

Jeremiah fell back on his butt, laughing at my reaction, "It was only a frog, silly!"

"Frogs give you warts." I pouted, crossing my arms.

Jeremiah shook his head, "Nuh-uh. It's toads. But my papa says that's an old wives tale, anyways."

"You're lying." I refused to back down.

"I'm gonna go ask my papa, and you'll see." Jeremiah got to his feet, ready to race off.

"Not if I ask him first!" I shot off before him.

Jeremiah raced after me, keeping close on my heels as we ran through the fields that lead to his house. His father was busy bridling his work horses when we ran up to him. We were completely out of breath, and saying a jumble of incoherent words.

His father laughed, "Slow down, you two. What's this about this time?"

"Frogs give you warts, right Mr. Smith?" I huffed, my hands on my knees.

"No. Who told you that, little miss?" He raised an eyebrow, looking between the two of us.

Jeremiah pointed at me, "Told ya so! I told her frogs don't give ya warts. I tried to give her one of them frogs and she didn't like it."

"Well, typically young ladies, such as Miss Winnie here, wouldn't appreciate you giving them frogs." his father said, tightening the strap on one of the bridles.

I crossed my arms, looking triumphant, "Exactly."

"I'll tell you what." his pa squatted down to look us both in the eye. "Why don't you both head inside? Mrs. Smith just made some cookies, and they just came out of the oven."

Jeremiah and I shared a look of excitement. We ran towards the house, and I shouted over my shoulder before heading inside, "Thank you Mr. Smith!"

He chuckled, shaking his head at us as hurried into the house. After getting our hands on the still warm cookie and thanking Mrs. Smith, we hurried back outside and went down to the creek.
We sat down on a large, flat rock close to the bubbling water, enjoying our treats. I licked the chocolate from my fingers when I was done.

"That was yummy." I exclaimed, sighing happily.

"My ma makes the best cookies." Jeremiah bragged.

I shook my head, "Mine does."

"They both do." He settled.

I nodded in content. I pulled off my shoes and stockings as stuck my feet into the water, relishing the coolness against my hot skin.

"Hey Jeremiah?" I said.

"Yeah?" He stuck his feet in beside me.

"Are we gonna be friends forever?" I looked deep into his chocolaty brown eyes.

"Of course!" He looked astonished that I would ever ask such a question. "Friends forever and ever!"

I smiled at him, content with that.

I feel like you guys know hardly anything about Etta's family and I had a really cute chapter idea for Winnie. I kind of want to make a sequel about Etta's sister and Jeremiah. Let me know what you think in the comments below!

Shout outs for this chapter belong to:

Thank you so much y'all! You mean so much to me and I can't thank you enough for all the support you've given me!

Want a shout out? Vote or leave a lovely comment below and I will try to catch you next time!

As Always
Stay Awesome Possums
Rosanna Parker🌵🌺🌸

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