A Christmas Special

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Because this is just a bonus chapter, it doesn't follow the current storyline. Just to clear up any confusion😉 Anyways, read on!

I slowly opened my eyes, yawning as I yanked my legs from the tangle of sheets that had me trapped. Through the crack in the curtains I could see fields blanketed in white snow. I ran to the window and pressed my nose to the cold glass, beaming with joy.

A warm, solid pair of arms wrapped around my waist, "Merry Christmas." Jack murmured into my hair, his warm breath whispering against my skin.

"Merry Christmas!" I chirped back, bouncing up and down on my toes. "It's snowing outside! I can't believe it!"

My husband chuckled, "We had a white Christmas last year."

I sighed, leaning against him, "It never grows old."

"I just can't wait for you to open your present." Jack nuzzled my neck.

"I bet the one I got for you is better." I teased.

He turned me towards him, quirking an eyebrow, but a playful smirk was on his face, "You think so?"

"Mhmm." I crossed my arms, matching his stance.

"We'll see." He laughed, rubbing the top of my head before turning to leave. "Follow me."

"Why?" I asked, but he was already gone.

I threw on my heaviest robe and slipped into my boots before racing down the stairs. I froze at the last step, looking in wonder out of the front door. A gorgeous blue sled was sitting just outside with a pair of white sleigh horses that had little silver bells on their reigns. My hands covered my mouth to contain the squeal of joy that wanted to escape. My eyes found Jack's, "Are you serious?"

"Perfectly." He smiled. He held out his hand. "Want to go on a sleigh ride, Mrs. Muller?"

I looked down at my nightgown and raised a questioning eyebrow, "In this? At least let me get changed—"

He grabbed my hand and pulled me through the door, "Oh, come on. You look fine." He said, tucking one of my curls behind my ear.

I ducked to hide the blush rising in my cheeks, "It's too cold, though."

"I packed the sleigh full of furs. You'll be okay. I promise." He kisses my cheek before lacing his fingers with mine and leading me to the sleigh. He gestured with his arm, allowing me passage first. "After you, princess."

I nearly dove into the pile of furs to escape the cold and Jack scooted in next to me. He chuckled, "Are you warm?"

I nodded and snuggled down deeper, "Perfectly."

He nodded in satisfaction and picked up the reigns, clucking his tongue at the horses.

They took off at a fast gallop, sending snow flying on both sides of the sleigh as we raced over the hills. The frozen forest whizzed by us so quickly I could barely see anything. Finally, the horses slowed down to a trot and the wind stopped biting my cheeks.

I turned to Jack and saw that his cheeks were just as red as mine felt, "This is wonderful. Thank you."

"I figured you'd like it." He winked.

"You're always right." I smiled up at him.

Jack patted my arm and smiled, "Are you warm enough still?"

"Yes, the furs are surprisingly warm." I yawned, ducking beneath the snow flurries and burning myself deeper into the furs.

After an hour or so, we finally headed back to the house and Jack helped me extract myself from the giant pile of furs. I wasted no time in racing inside to build up the dying coals in the fireplace while Jack put the horses away.

When my husband came inside from the coal, I had hot tea and a blanket waiting for him by the fire. He smiled at me as I wrapped the blanket around his shoulders and sat down next to him.

I clapped my hands together, "Now it's time for my gift."

I pulled out the box from behind me and gave it to him, eagerly awaiting his reaction. Jack raised an eyebrow at me and tore away the paper.

A puzzled look crossed his face, "Love, this is just...ink."

I nodded eagerly, "For a typewriter."

"We don't have—" he froze mid sentence before hopping to his feet and racing to the office. "You didn't!" He said from the other room.

I laughed and hurried to join him. He was already filling the ink and placing in a new sheet of paper. "I mean, love, this is just—it's just wonderful! Thank you so much." He whirled around and grasped my hands tightly in his.

"You like it?" I laughed.

"I love it." He said, lightly kissing my lips. "Thank you."

"Merry Christmas, Mr. Muller." I wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning in for another kiss.

He happily complied. "Merry Christmas, Mrs. Muller."

I'm hoping this made up for my recent lack of chapters??? Also this will be the last chapter I write in 2017!🥂🎉🎊 So that's exciting😄

If you loved this chapter then please vote and leave a comment telling me what you thought!!!

Thanks and have a Happy New Years!!
As Always
Stay Awesome Possums

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