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Harry hardly ever drives, he can but he chooses not to.

The day was muggy and foggy but the craving for Ginger Tea with 2 sugars was unbearable.

Harry made his way down the slow streets of London to Milk and Sugar the only cafe he enjoys going to.

This cafe was quiet, no excessively loud teenagers and there were old books and a record table which harry never touched but the antique was nice.

Harry liked nice.

"Harry" Danny a worker at the cafe said a little too loudly for Harry but he blocked his ears.

"Ginger Tea 2 sugars?" Harry nodded and Danny handed a slip to an unfamiliar girl there.

Harry decided he didn't want to answer the boring notorious question, "How are you ?" So he went and sat by the vent letting the warm air cause his hair to sustain in the atmosphere.

"Here's your tea" she put the cup and tab down on the table.

It didn't even smell like ginger tea and the tab was 3 cents overpriced.

"This isn't right" Harry said his forehead lines appearing.

Harry groaned, he only made this sound when there was error or when he didn't want to wake up for his therapy sessions.

"You okay?" She asked from behind the counter.

"Why didn't you make my tea right?"

"I thought I did, ginger 3 sugars?"

"No...who puts that much sugar in tea that's not what I wanted"

"I'm sorry I can make you another" she took the cup and ticket throwing them out.

"Everything okay?" Danny said concerned at all the commotion.

"Yes I added and extra sugar on accident."

"She's new here Harry sorry it's on the house"

"I don't like metaphors (this is apart of the novel in the description as well) " Harry mumbled taking the cup and going back to his house.

His day was already screwed up he has a routine yet the outside world has to mess with that.

It was now 9:13 , 13 minutes past tea time (that sounds childish but oh well) now Anne was supposed to call in less than 32 minutes.

Harry made his way back home sipping his correct tea.

Pulling out his keys, the green was for the house, the blue was for the PO box, and the purple was for Anne's house.

Green unlocked the tumbles and allowed the 20 something year old to enter his one bedroom place.

There was one of everything except toilet paper and his prescriptions.

9:45 came too soon he loves his mum but sometimes he wishes she wouldn't call every morning.

"Hi Harry" Anne said softly probably because Robin was still asleep.

"Hello mumma" Harry mumbled checking the watch on his wrist.

"How are you?" She said forgetting the tick her son had with that sentence.

"My tea was flawed today, a new girl with fuzzy hair made it."

"Did she fix it correctly?" Anne said Harry rarely talked about women so she didn't wasn't to ask too much about her.

"Yep she has darker skin than I do it was her first day cause Danny said she's new there"

Harry didn't enjoy saying that someone was black or Hispanic he preferred saying that their skin was darker than his.

"Did you get upset?" Anne asked hoping harry could control himself and didn't hit her or hurt her like he usually does.

"Yes but I didn't hit her, she apologized mumma now I don't feel nice cause I didn't apologize back"

"I'm sure she'll understand" Anne consoled but Harry always apologized this time he had to really get her to accept his apology.

"Okay mumma love you bye" Harry said quickly and hung up his phone.

Harry pushed his single Hollywood actor styled chair under his kitchen table.

Usually it was writing time, were harry wrote down his goals and reflected.

But he had to buy an apology gift. Harry went back out and to the local drugstore.

Girls are confusing, harry thought as he went through the aisles picking up different things.

Harry knew that nail polish was something girls liked because he had metallic black on his ring finger.

Harry saw a picture of a black girl in an advertising board within the aisle and he hair was everywhere and that was what he wanted to give her.

Grabbing at least 4 packages of accessories and a pastel star patterned ribbon, and he went to the counter with the exact change already in his hand.

"That'll be 3.23...keep the change?" She asked seeing Harry hand her money that looked way over 3.23

"There is no change but thank you" Harry stacked the 5 items within his arms and made his way to his house which was exactly 632 feet and 1.3 inches.

Opening his front door his eyes landed on the clock 2:35

Abby came by around 3 so that gave him plenty of time to package the gift.

Harry had a box for his rings that was decorated nicely so he took the rings out and found another spot.

Opening the packages harry dumped them in the small box and wrapped the ribbon around he felt bad for not knowing her name.

Sorry for not being nice - Harry

It looked like chicken scratch but it'll do

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