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The next day didn't go well either.

Harry had just came back from his group session and him and Joey made plans to be with each other (hang out) sometime and harry couldn't wait to tell Jade the news.

"Jade!" Harry said entering the coffeeshop and hurrying to the counter. "Harry! why're you so excited?" Jade teased.

"You're mocking me?" "No Harry...but why are you so happy" Jade and Harry went outside and she had a small notebook harry took notice to.

"I think I have a new person to talk to"

"Much like a friend" Harry added. "That's great" "his name is Joey and we were gonna be together would you like to come."

"Oh like hang out?" "I don't like the word hang out because you're not actually hanging" Harry said detesting the metaphor.

"What're you writing down?" Harry said confused about the book.

"Nothing but I wouldn't mind meeting Joey"

Harry knew she was trying to change the subject.

"Okay but w-why are you writing?"

"Harry no reason if it bothers you I'll put it away"

Harry didn't like it because the scene looked like he was back in therapy.

"Are you writing stuff about me?" Harry said his leg started jumping.

Jade ended up closing the book getting a bit nervous that Harry would grow angry at her.

"Let's just forget about the book okay" Jade said and smiled at Harry.

"No I want to see it" Harry insisted "you're lying to me!" Harry yelled and it scared Jade.

Harry didn't want to hurt her so he sat on his hands.

"Fine Harry I was writing stuff about you on something I read last night...do you have Aspergers?"

Harry stood and ran away from Jade.

"Harry wait!" Jade yelled and ran after him but she lost him.

"Good job you ruined it" she sighed putting her hands on her head.

Jade went back in the cafe.

Harry ran all the way back to his house and slammed the door shut.

He threw things around in his house and broke things.


Harry counted down and collapsed on his bed and fell asleep.

When he woke back up it was pitch black outside.


Harry groaned now he was gonna stay up all day.

Harry grabbed some pajamas and went into the bathroom where he started the water.

$15.58 is what harry spent in his 45 minute shower...all he did was stand under the water.

Harry's phone dinged and he turned it over

7 missed calls
24 texts
3 voice mails

Harry held his thumb down on the home button and looked at his missed calls

Mumma 💊
Mumma 💊
Joey 👓

All of his texts were mostly from jade

Harry I didn't mean for you to get offended by that. I was studying and came across it .

I wasn't thinking of you differently please call me back

please answer me

Harry I'm sorry

Harry read all the messages and clicked his voicemail.

Harry you didn't answer when I called you is everything alright? Call me when you get this.

That was from Anne.

Hey Harry this is Joey call me back I thought about going to the dock...my friend has a boat.

Harry please call me, I just wanna know if you're okay? I'm very very very sorry. I have to go,  Cams crying

Harry could tell jade had been crying and he could hear Cameron screaming in the background.

Harry clicked her contact but locked his phone.

He didn't want to be bothered.

Aspergers {HS/POC}✔️Where stories live. Discover now