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"What're you doing Cameron?" Jade said from her spot within the bathroom mirror.

Clad in a white bra, Jade fixed her damp hair and put on her white shirt.

Cameron was on the bed in a pink tutu and jean printed top her hair was pulled back as well.

"Are you excited?" Jade said and Cameron smiled and mumbled something.

The doorbell rang and jade and Cameron went to the door.

"It nana" jade said when her mother was in the doorway.

"Hey Jade and Cami" jades mom quickly grabbed Cameron. "There's a man out in the lot with gift bags.."

"Oh it's Harry I'll be back" jade slid her feet in some sandals before going outside.

"Harry?" Jade said going through the lot.

"Oh wow you bought a lot of stuff" jade chuckled Harry had the 3 large pink birthday bags.

"I didn't know how much to buy" Harry shrugged.

"It's okay she'll love it" jade and Harry went back to her apartment.

Harry and jade put the gifts under the Birthday table and Cameron stumbled over to the large box.

"Not yet Cam" Jade said taking her away.

The house soon filled harry wasn't too bothered by it...if more people came he'd panic.

"I'm gonna go get a knife to cut the cake" Jade stood up and Cameron was placed on the carpet.

Cameron out her hands on Harry's leg and pulled herself up to standing.

Harry flinched he didn't want the unwanted touching.

Soon however Cameron held onto Harry's fingers, the rings on his hands were pretty interesting.

"D-" Cameron stuttered clapping her hands and harry chuckles mocking her.

"Harry would you like some?" Jade said pointing the the pale pink cake and he shook no and continued playing with Cameron.

Jade served everyone in the house and came back to the couch where Cameron had Harry's necklace in her mouth.

"Ew Cami" Jade smiled putting the plate on the table and Cameron on her lap.

She fussed but she soon stopped when Jades leg started bouncing.

"I'm sorry" Jade gave Harry a napkin.

"Okay let's try not to get too messy"

"Da" Cam said pointing at Harry. "No that's harry"

"Da" "okay we'll work on it" jade and Harry laughed.

"Thank you for coming harry I really appreciate it."

"You invited me" Harry replied back. "I invited her dad but he's not here"

Harry hated being in this situation but he quickly changed the subject when Cam put her fingers in her cake slice.

Harry didn't understand the whole dad situation I mean Robin is in his life but thats not his real dad. His real dad isn't around anymore so maybe that's how it works.

After cake Harry helped put the presents in the middle of the floor.

"Da!" She screamed once more crawling to Harry.

It was pretty awkward for everyone but Harry just went with it.

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